All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAsAdmin |
Implements an GlassFish AsAdmin command.
AbstractCargoMojo |
Common code used by Cargo MOJOs requiring <container> and
<configuration> elements and supporting the notion of
AbstractCatalinaEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Base support for Catalina based embedded local containers.
AbstractCatalinaInstalledLocalContainer |
Base support for Catalina based installed local containers.
AbstractCatalinaStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
AbstractChoiceMergeStrategy |
A merging strategy that can make a decision between various differing merge strategies, depending
upon the state that it is passed.
AbstractCommonMojo |
Common MOJO providing an accessor to the Maven Project object (this is the object containing all
information contained in the POM on which the MOJO is called).
AbstractConfiguration |
AbstractConfigurationBuilder |
AbstractConfigurationCapability |
Base implementation of ConfigurationCapability
that needs to be extended by the different configuration implementations.
AbstractConfigurationCapabilityValidator |
AbstractConfigurationFactoryValidator |
AbstractConfigurator |
Common base for configurator classes.
AbstractContainer |
Base implementation for all types of containers.
AbstractContainerFactoryValidator |
AbstractContainerMonitor |
Abstract implementation of monitor used for checking container status.
AbstractCopyingInstalledLocalDeployer |
Local deployer that deploys deployables to a deployable directory of the given
installed container.
AbstractDaemonMojo |
Common mojo for all daemon actions (start deployable, stop deployable).
AbstractDependency |
AbstractDeployable |
Common class for easy Deployable implementations.
AbstractDeployableMonitor |
Common properties and configuration for deployable monitors.
AbstractDeployablewithSettableName |
Common class for easy Deployable implementations with settable names.
AbstractDeployer |
Base deployer for local and remote deployments.
AbstractDeployerFactoryValidator |
AbstractDeployerMojo |
Common mojo for all deployer actions (start deployable, stop deployable, deploy deployable,
undeploy deployable, etc).
AbstractDescriptor |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a deployment descriptor to provide convenience methods for
easy access and manipulation.
AbstractDescriptorIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading and writing descriptors.
AbstractDescriptorType |
AbstractDirectoryPackager |
Package a container distribution and its local configuration in a directory.
AbstractEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Default container implementation that all local embedded container implementations must extend.
AbstractEmbeddedLocalDeployer |
Base deployer to deploy to embedded local containers.
AbstractExistingLocalConfiguration |
Base implementation for an existing local configuration.
AbstractExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Base implementation of ConfigurationCapability
that needs to be extended by each existing configuration's implementation.
AbstractFactoryRegistry |
SPI to be implemented by container implementation to register implementations to their factories.
AbstractGenericHintFactory<T> |
Factory implementation that registers implementation classes under a given key of type
RegistrationKey .
AbstractGenericHintFactory.GenericParameters |
AbstractGeronimoStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
AbstractGlassFishInstalledLocalContainer |
Abstract GlassFish installed local container.
AbstractGlassFishInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
AbstractGlassFishStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish standalone local configuration.
AbstractInstalledLocalContainer |
Default container implementation that all local installed container implementations must extend.
AbstractInstalledLocalDeployer |
Base deployer to deploy to installed local containers.
AbstractIntrospectionGenericHintFactory<T> |
Extension to AbstractGenericHintFactory that registers and creates instances from
implementation classes specified as String, using introspection.
AbstractJBoss5xInstalledLocalContainer |
Abstract class for JBoss 5x container family.
AbstractJBoss5xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Basis for all JBoss 5.x and 6.x standalone local configurations.
AbstractJBossInstalledLocalContainer |
Abstract class for JBoss container family.
AbstractJBossRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of JBoss's runtime configuration.
AbstractJettyEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Common code for all Jetty embedded container implementations.
AbstractJettyEmbeddedLocalDeployer |
Base class for all Jetty deployers.
AbstractJettyEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Base class for Jetty standalone configurations.
AbstractJettyExistingLocalConfiguration |
Abstract configuration for existing local Jetty
AbstractJettyRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
AbstractJettyStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Base class for Jetty standalone configurations.
AbstractJonas4xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer for JOnAS 4.x.
AbstractJonas5xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer for JOnAS 5.x.
AbstractJonasExistingLocalConfiguration |
AbstractJonasInstalledLocalContainer |
Support for the JOnAS JEE container.
AbstractJonasRemoteDeployer |
Abstract base class for JOnAS remote deployment.
AbstractJonasRemoteDeployer.ActionType |
Action types.
AbstractJonasRemoteDeployer.TargetType |
Target types.
AbstractJonasStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
AbstractJRunInstalledLocalContainer |
Common support for all JRun container versions.
AbstractJsr88Deployer |
JSR-88 remote deployer.
AbstractLocalConfiguration |
Base implementation of
ContainerConfiguration that can be
specialized for standalone configuration, existing configuration or other local configurations.
AbstractLocalConfigurationCapability |
Base implementation of ConfigurationCapability
that needs to be extended by each local configuration's implementation.
AbstractLocalContainer |
Default container implementation that all local container implementations must extend.
AbstractLocalDeployer |
Base deployer to deploy to local containers (installed or embedded).
AbstractLogger |
Base clas for all Loggers.
AbstractOc4j10xInstalledLocalContainer |
Abstract class for installed local container for the OC4J 10.x application server.
AbstractOrionInstalledLocalContainer |
Basic support for the Orion application server.
AbstractOrionStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Standalone configuration methods common to both Orion and Oc4j containers.
AbstractPackagerValidator |
AbstractPingContainerMonitor |
Abstract implementation of monitor checking container status by pinging URL.
AbstractRemoteContainer |
Base implementation of a remote container.
AbstractRemoteDeployer |
Base deployer to deploy to containers without any reference to where the container is installed
(be it on the same machine or on another one).
AbstractResinInstalledLocalContainer |
Common support for all Resin container versions.
AbstractResinStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Common class for all Resin standalone local configurations.
AbstractResourceScriptCommand |
Implementation of general functionality for configuration script commands.
AbstractRuntimeConfiguration |
Base implementation for a runtime configuration.
AbstractRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Base implementation of ConfigurationCapability
that needs to be extended by each runtime configuration's implementation.
AbstractScriptCommand |
Implementation of general functionality for configuration script commands.
AbstractStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Base implementation for a standalone local configuration.
AbstractStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Base implementation of ConfigurationCapability
that needs to be extended by each standalone configuration's implementation.
AbstractStandaloneLocalConfigurationWithXMLConfigurationBuilder |
Base implementation for a standalone local configuration.
AbstractSwitchableLocalDeployer |
Implementation decides how to deploy or undeploy based on the running state of the server.
AbstractTomcatConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure a DataSource for Tomcat.
AbstractTomcatManagerDeployer |
Common code to perform both local or remote deployments using a Tomcat manager-based deployer.
AbstractTomcatManagerInstalledLocalDeployer |
Common code to perform local deployments using a Tomcat manager-based deployer.
AbstractTomcatRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
AbstractTomcatRemoteDeployer |
Common code to perform remote deployments using a Tomcat manager-based deployer.
AbstractTomeeRemoteDeployer |
A special TomEE manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
AbstractUberWarMojo |
Common mojo for Uberjar.
AbstractWebLogicInstalledLocalContainer |
Basic support for the WebLogic application server.
AbstractWebLogicRemoteContainer |
Basic support for the WebLogic remote application server.
AbstractWebLogicWlstExistingLocalConfiguration |
Contains common WebLogic configuration functionality for WLST.
AbstractWebLogicWlstRuntimeConfiguration |
Contains common WebLogic configuration functionality for WLST.
AbstractWebLogicWlstStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Contains common WebLogic configuration functionality for WLST.
AbstractWildFlyInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly container implementation.
AbstractWildFlyRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly.
AbstractWildFlyScriptCommand |
Contains common logic used by WildFly commands.
AbstractWildFlyStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Base class for WildFly standalone local configuration.
AbstractWildFlySwarmInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly Swarm container common implementation.
AddModuleScriptCommand |
Implementation of adding of modules configuration script command.
AddSharedLibraryToDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of deploying shared library configuration script command.
AddUserToGroupScriptCommand |
Implementation of adding user to group configuration script command.
AddUserToGroupScriptCommand |
Implementation of adding user to group configuration script command.
AliasedDeployerDeployMojo |
Class used uniquely to provide a goal alias for deployer-deploy .
AliasedDeployerRedeployMojo |
Class used uniquely to provide a goal alias for
deployer-redeploy .
AliasedDeployerUndeployMojo |
Class used uniquely to provide a goal alias for deployer-undeploy .
AntLogger |
Logger implementation that logs to Ant.
Wraps a AOP (JBoss AOP Archive) file that will be deployed in the container.
ApplicationXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of an EAR descriptor (application.xml ) to
provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
ApplicationXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading and writing enterprise application deployment
descriptors (application.xml).
ApplicationXmlTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a enterprise application deployment descriptor as a
typesafe enumeration.
ApplicationXmlType |
Descriptor type for application xml.
ApplicationXmlVersion |
Enumerated type that represents the version of the deployment descriptor of a enterprise
application (application.xml).
ArchiveResourceMerger |
Class to store merging operations.
ArtifactInstaller |
An ArtifactInstaller encapsulates the resolving of an artifact from a local
or remote Maven repository.
AuthConstraint |
BatchScriptCommand |
Implementation of batch configuration script command.
Bundle |
Wraps an OSGi Bundle file that will be deployed in the container.
ByteUnit |
Represents byte size.
CargoDaemonAuthenticationFilter |
Cargo daemon authentication filter.
CargoDaemonErrorServlet |
Cargo daemon error handler servlet.
CargoDaemonException |
Cargo servlet exception.
CargoDaemonServlet |
Cargo daemon servlet.
CargoException |
Base exception class for all Cargo classes.
CargoProject |
Holder class to transport all required information to the configuration classes.
CargoTask |
Ant task wrapper around the Cargo API to start/stop containers.
ChooseByNameMergeStrategy |
A merging strategy that is determined by name.
CLIWildFlyMonitor |
WildFly monitor checking if CLI API is available.
CombinedContainerMonitor |
Monitor which gathers information from multiple monitors.
ComplexPropertyUtils |
Parser used for processing complexly defined properties
like WebSpherePropertySet.EJB_TO_RES_REF_BINDING.
Configuration |
A configuration represents how a container is configured: where deployables are deployed,
container ports, logging levels, container authentication, etc.
Configuration |
Holds configuration data for the <configuration> tag used to configure the
plugin in the pom.xml file.
ConfigurationBuilder |
Builds String representations a Resource configuration.
ConfigurationCapability |
Represents the capability of a configuration.
ConfigurationCapabilityFactory |
Allow finding a Configuration's capability for a given container identified by its id and its
ConfigurationContext |
Context passed to configurators.
ConfigurationElement |
ConfigurationEntryType |
Represents the type of a resource, such as a javax.sql.DataSource .
ConfigurationFactory |
Create a Configuration knowing the container to which it is attached to and the
configuration type.
ConfigurationType |
ConfigureMojo |
Mojo to create a local container standalone configuration at a specified directory.
ConfigurePortsScriptCommand |
Implementation of configure ports configuration script command.
ConnectToServerScriptCommand |
Implementation of connect to running server configuration script command.
ConsoleUrlWebLogicMonitor |
WebLogic monitor checking if console URL is available.
ConsoleUrlWebSphereMonitor |
WebSphere monitor checking if console URL is available.
Container |
Common container API to wrap a physical container.
Container |
Holds configuration data for the <container> tag used to configure the plugin
in the pom.xml file.
ContainerCapability |
Represents the capability of a container.
ContainerCapabilityFactory |
Allow finding a Container's capability by container id.
ContainerConfiguration |
Container implementations of Configuration
must also implement this interface.
ContainerException |
Base exception class for all Cargo Container API classes.
ContainerFactory |
Allow instantiating a container by id (e.g.
ContainerIdentity |
Represents a container identity.
ContainerInstallMojo |
Installs a container into a given directory.
ContainerMonitor |
Monitor used for checking of container status.
ContainerRestartMojo |
Restart a container using Cargo.
ContainerRunMojo |
Start a container using Cargo and wait until user pressed CTRL + C to stop.
ContainerStartMojo |
Start a container using Cargo.
ContainerStopMojo |
Stop a running container using Cargo.
ContainerType |
ContainerUtils |
Set of common Container utility methods for people extending Cargo.
ContextParam |
Context Parameter class for accessing context parameters in a web.xml file.
CreateDomainScriptCommand |
Implementation of create domain configuration script command.
CreateGroupScriptCommand |
Implementation of create group configuration script command.
CreateGroupScriptCommand |
Implementation of create group configuration script command.
CreateUserScriptCommand |
Implementation of create user configuration script command.
CreateUserScriptCommand |
Implementation of create user configuration script command.
CustomWildFlyScriptCommand |
Implementation of custom configuration script command.
Daemon |
Holds configuration data for the <daemon> tag used to configure the plugin in
the pom.xml file.
DaemonClient |
Client for the Cargo daemon
DaemonElement |
Holds configuration data for the <daemon> tag used to configure the ANT
DaemonException |
Indicates an error received from Cargo manager.
DaemonParameters |
Represents the daemon parameters to be sent to the listening daemon.
DaemonPropertySet |
Gathers all properties related to the Cargo daemon.
DaemonStart |
Represents a daemon start request
DaemonStartMojo |
Start a container via the daemon.
DaemonStopMojo |
Stop a container via the daemon.
DataSource |
A Datasource is a representation of a JDBC datasource.
DataSource |
Holds configuration data for the <datasource> tag used to configure
the plugin in the pom.xml file.
DataSourceConnectionPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of datasource connection property configuration script command.
DataSourceConnectionPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of datasource connection property configuration script command.
DataSourceConverter |
A DataSource is a representation of an database pool bound to JNDI.
DataSourceElement |
Holds configuration data for the <datasource> tag
used to configure the ANT plugin.
DatasourcePropertySet |
Gathers all data source properties valid for all types of containers.
DataSourceScriptCommand |
Implementation of datasource configuration script command.
DataSourceScriptCommand |
Implementation of datasource configuration script command.
DataSourceScriptCommand |
Implementation of DataSource configuration script command.
DataSourceSupport |
Designates support of DataSource configuration.
DefaultConfigurationCapabilityFactory |
DefaultConfigurationFactory |
Default ConfigurationFactory implementation that has all the known container
configurations registered against their containers.
DefaultContainerCapabilityFactory |
DefaultContainerFactory |
DefaultDeployableFactory |
Default deployable factory that returns deployables for a given container.
DefaultDeployableMonitorFactory |
DefaultDeployerFactory |
Default DeployerFactory implementation that has all the known container deployers
registered against their containers.
DefaultEarArchive |
Encapsulates access to an EAR.
DefaultEjbArchive |
Class that encapsulates access to an EJB JAR.
DefaultFileHandler |
File operations that are performed in Cargo.
DefaultJarArchive |
Provide convenient methods to read information from a Jar archive.
DefaultJvmLauncher |
A JVM launcher that launches a new Process, that can be forcibly killed if needed.
DefaultJvmLauncherFactory |
The factory to create JVM launchers.
DefaultJvmLauncherLoggerRedirector |
Redirects the output of a process into a Logger by periodically pumping data.
DefaultPackagerFactory |
Default PackagerFactory implementation that has all the known container packagers
registered against their containers.
DefaultWarArchive |
Class that encapsulates access to a WAR.
DefaultXmlFileBuilder |
This implementation uses the XmlUtils class to manipulate XML files.
Dependency |
Allow users to add classpath entries to the classpath used to start the container.
DependencyCalculator |
This class is effectively an unmitigated hack.
Deployable |
A deployable is a file archive to be deployed in a container (eg WAR, EAR, etc).
Deployable |
Holds configuration data for the <deployable> tag used to configure the plugin
in the pom.xml file.
TODO: Find a way to remove code duplication with Ant's DeployableElement
DeployableElement |
DeployableException |
Exception thrown when a container encounters a problem with a deployable.
DeployableFactory |
Factory to create Deployable instances.
DeployableMonitor |
DeployableMonitorFactory |
DeployableMonitorListener |
Listener that is triggered when the deployment status of a
Deployable changes.
DeployableType |
Type of Deployable.
DeployableVersion |
Version of Deployable.
DeployDeployableOnlineScriptCommand |
Implementation of deploy deployable online configuration script command.
DeployDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of deploy deployable configuration script command.
DeployDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of deploying deployable configuration script command.
Deployer |
API to manage all deployment aspects of Deployable : deploy, undeploy, start, stop and
Deployer |
Holds configuration data for the <deployer> tag used to configure the plugin
in the pom.xml file.
DeployerDeployMojo |
Deploy a deployable to a container.
DeployerFactory |
Create a Deployer knowing the container to which it is attached and the deployer type.
DeployerRedeployMojo |
Redeploy a deployable (i.e. undeploy and deploy it again) in a container.
DeployerServlet |
This servlet is used to control deploy, undeploy, redeploy, start, and stop a web application
within the jetty server.
DeployerStartMojo |
Start a deployable which is already installed in a container.
DeployerStopMojo |
Stop a deployable which is already deployed in a container.
DeployerType |
Type of Deployer.
DeployerUndeployMojo |
Undeploy a deployable from a container.
DeployerWatchdog |
Wait for a deployable to be deployed.
DeploySharedLibraryScriptCommand |
Implementation of deploying shared library configuration script command.
DerbyDao |
Class used to interact with the Apache Derby DAO.
Descriptor |
Common interface for Deployment Descriptors.
DescriptorElement |
Extension of JDOM element that represents a descriptor element.
DescriptorIo |
DescriptorMerger |
Interface to merge two descriptors.
DescriptorMergerByTag |
Merge a descriptor by tag.
DescriptorTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a deployment descriptor as a typesafe enumeration.
DescriptorType |
Represents a "type" of descriptor - e.g. web.xml
DocumentMerger |
Class that can merge two DOM Documents, relatively simply.
DocumentMergerByXslt |
DocumentStreamAdapter |
Adapter class to convert streams into documents.
This is needed because the DocumentMerger understands DOM Documents, but items in War files are
accessed as streams - therefore use this wrapper to pass streams into the DocumentMerger (or
DriverScriptCommand |
Implementation of DataSource driver configuration script command.
Dtd |
Contains methods for getting information from a dtd.
DtdParseException |
Exception thrown to indicate that a certain DTD couldn't be parsed.
Wraps an EAR file that will be deployed in the container.
EarArchive |
Class that encapsulates access to an EAR.
Wraps an EJB JAR file that will be deployed in the container.
EjbArchive |
Class that encapsulates access to an EJB JAR.
EjbDef |
Class representing an EJB definition in a ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
EjbJarXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a ejb deployment descriptor ejb-jar.xml to
provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
EjbJarXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading and writing ejb deployment descriptors (ejb-jar.xml).
EjbJarXmlTag |
Represents the various tags in a ejb jar deployment descriptor.
EjbJarXmlType |
EjbJarXmlVersion |
Enumerated type that represents the version of the deployment descriptor of a ejb descriptor
EjbRef |
Represents a ejb-ref element of a web application descriptor.
ElementNotFoundException |
Exception raised when an XPath search returns no results.
EmbeddedContainerArtifactResolver |
Dynamically load embedded container dependencies.
EmbeddedContainerClasspathResolver |
Create a classloader to load container classes.
EmbeddedLocalContainer |
Represents an embedded container which only requires the correct JARs in the classpath to work.
Entity |
Class representing an entity ejb definition in an ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
EnvironmentTestData |
Groups together all environmental test data (i.e. data that depends on how the user has
configured its tests to run in Maven).
ExistingLocalConfiguration |
An existing configuration allows you to point Cargo to a container configuration that you have
already set somewhere on your local file system.
File |
Wraps a file that will be deployed into the container.
FileConfig |
Contains data about configuration files that should be used for the container.
FileHandler |
File operations that are performed in Cargo.
FileHandler.XmlReplacementDetails |
Represents details of an XML replacement.
FileLogger |
File implementation which sends logged messages to a file.
FileManager |
File manager to deal with files and directories in the daemon workspace.
FileScriptCommand |
Implementation of general functionality for existing script files.
Filter |
FilterMapping |
FormContentType |
Represents the content type and basic content of a form.
FullContainerIdentity |
Represents a container identified by its id and type.
GeneralPropertySet |
Gathers all general container properties valid for all types of containers.
Geronimo1xInstalledLocalContainer |
Geronimo 1.x series container implementation.
Geronimo1xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Geronimo1xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of the Geronimo's standalone local configuration.
Geronimo2xInstalledLocalContainer |
Geronimo 2.x series container implementation.
Geronimo2xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Geronimo2xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of the Geronimo's standalone local configuration.
Geronimo3xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the Geronimo 3.x container.
Geronimo3xInstalledLocalContainer |
Geronimo 3.x series container implementation.
Geronimo3xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GeronimoDeployable |
Geronimo-specific deployable which adds supports for passing Geronimo deployment plans.
GeronimoEAR |
Geronimo EAR deployable.
GeronimoEJB |
Geronimo EJB deployable.
GeronimoExistingLocalConfiguration |
GeronimoExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of the Geronimo's existing local configuration.
GeronimoFactoryRegistry |
Registers Geronimo support into default factories.
GeronimoInstalledLocalDeployer |
A Geronimo deploytool-based deployer to perform deployment to a local container.
GeronimoPropertySet |
Interface for Geronimo-specific properties.
GeronimoUtils |
Various utility methods such as checking is Geronimo is started.
GeronimoWAR |
Geronimo WAR deployable.
GlassFish2xAsAdmin |
Implements an GlassFish 2.x AsAdmin command.
GlassFish2xContainerCapability |
GlassFish 2.x container capability.
GlassFish2xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 2.x installed local container.
GlassFish2xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 2.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish2xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 2.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFish2xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish 2.x standalone local configuration capability.
GlassFish3x4x5x6x7xContainerCapability |
GlassFish 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x container capability.
GlassFish3x4x5xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish3xAsAdmin |
Implements an GlassFish 3.x AsAdmin command.
GlassFish3xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 3.x installed local container.
GlassFish3xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 3.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish3xRemoteContainer |
GlassFish 3.x remote container.
GlassFish3xRemoteDeployer |
GlassFish 3.x remote deployer, which uses the JSR-88 to deploy and undeploy applications.
GlassFish3xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a GlassFish 3.x remote container.
GlassFish3xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 3.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFish3xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish 3.x standalone local configuration capability.
GlassFish4x5x6x7x8xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x and 8.x standalone local configuration capability.
GlassFish4xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 4.x installed local container.
GlassFish4xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 4.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish4xRemoteContainer |
GlassFish 4.x remote container.
GlassFish4xRemoteDeployer |
GlassFish 4.x remote deployer, which uses the JSR-88 to deploy and undeploy applications.
GlassFish4xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a GlassFish 4.x remote container.
GlassFish4xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 4.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFish5xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 5.x installed local container.
GlassFish5xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 5.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish5xRemoteContainer |
GlassFish 5.x remote container.
GlassFish5xRemoteDeployer |
GlassFish 5.x remote deployer, which uses the JSR-88 to deploy and undeploy applications.
GlassFish5xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a GlassFish 5.x remote container.
GlassFish5xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish5xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 5.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFish6xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 6.x installed local container.
GlassFish6xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 6.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish6xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 6.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFish7xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 7.x installed local container.
GlassFish7xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 7.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish7xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 7.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFish8xInstalledLocalContainer |
GlassFish 8.x installed local container.
GlassFish8xInstalledLocalDeployer |
GlassFish 8.x installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
GlassFish8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish 8.x standalone local configuration.
GlassFishExistingLocalConfiguration |
GlassFish existing local configuration.
GlassFishExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
GlassFish existing local configuration capability.
GlassFishFactoryRegistry |
Registers GlassFish support into default factories.
GlassFishPropertySet |
Interface for GlassFish-specific properties.
Grammar |
Contains methods for retrieving grammar information for an XML file.
Handle |
A handle keeps track of deployed containers.
HandleDatabase |
Keeps track of handles in memory, with support to load from and save to disk.
Wraps a HAR (Hibernate Archive) file that will be deployed in the container.
HasAuthenticationSupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports authentication configuration.
HasBundleSupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports OSGi bundles.
HasDataSourceSupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports DataSource configuration.
HasDeployableSupportValidator |
HasDirectoryPackagerValidator |
Validate that the specified container has a directory packager registered.
HasEarSupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports EAR archives.
HasExistingConfigurationValidator |
Validate that a container has an existing configuration.
HasInstalledLocalContainerValidator |
Validate that a container id has an installed local container implementation.
HasLocalDeployerValidator |
Validate that the specified container has a local deployer.
HasPortOffsetValidator |
Validator, that check if the container supports port offset.
HasRemoteContainerValidator |
Validate that a container has a remote container.
HasRemoteDeployerValidator |
Validate that the specified container has a remote deployer.
HasResourceSupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports Resource configuration.
HasRuntimeConfigurationValidator |
Validate that a container has a runtime configuration.
HasSpawnSupportValidator |
Validator, that check if the container supports port offset.
HasStandaloneConfigurationValidator |
Validate that a container has a standalone configuration.
HasWarSupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports WAR archives.
HasXAEmulationValidator |
Validate that a container supports DataSource configuration.
HasXASupportValidator |
Validate that a container supports DataSource configuration.
HelpMojo |
Display help information on cargo-maven3-plugin.
Call mvn cargo:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
HttpFileRequest |
HTTP request which puts the content of a file as output.
HttpFormRequest |
HttpRequest |
HTTP(S) request class.
HttpResult |
Set of common HTTP(S) utility methods.
HttpUtils |
Set of common HTTP(S) utility methods.
HttpUtils.HttpResult |
Storage class for the HTTP ping result.
IbmEjbJarBndXmi |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a websphere ejb deployment descriptor
ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
IbmEjbJarBndXmiGrammar |
Websphere specific grammar implementation.
IbmEjbJarBndXmiIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading Webspeher ejb jar deployment descriptor.
IbmEjbJarBndXmiType |
IbmWebBndXmi |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a websphere web deployment descriptor
ibm-web-bnd.xmi to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
IbmWebBndXmiGrammar |
Grammar for a websphere web application descriptor.
IbmWebBndXmiIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading Websphere web deployment descriptor.
IbmWebBndXmiType |
Identifier |
Class used to work out how to 'identify' instances of DescrtiptorTags.
IJBossProfileManagerDeployer |
The generic interface for a JBoss deployer that uses the JBoss profile manager.
ImportWsadminlibScriptCommand |
Implementation of importing wsadminlib configuration script command.
InitParam |
Context Parameter class for accessing context parameters in a web.xml file.
InstalledLocalContainer |
Represents a local container that requires an installation to work.
Installer |
Installs a container.
ISimpleHttpFileServer |
Implementation of a Web server that serves one file.
IsInstalledLocalContainerValidator |
Validate that a container is an installed local container.
IsLocalContainerValidator |
Validate that a container is a local container.
J2EEContainerCapability |
Capability for J2EE containers.
J2eeDescriptor |
Common interface for all standard J2EE deployment descriptors (web.xml ,
ejb-jar.xml , etc).
JaasConfiguration |
JAAS configuration implementation with only one configuration entry.
JarArchive |
Provide convenient methods to read information from a Jar archive.
JarArchiveIo |
Utility IO class for constructing Jar Archives.
JarArchiveUpdateable |
Marker interface for a Jar archive that can be updated in-place.
JarUtils |
Some utility classes for manipulating JAR files.
JBoss3x4xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss3x4xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss3x4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Implementation of a standalone Configuration
for JBoss 3.x series and JBoss 4.x series.
JBoss3x4xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss3xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JBoss container.
JBoss3xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 3.x series container implementation.
JBoss42xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss42xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss42xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 4.2.x series container implementation.
JBoss42xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 4.2.x.
JBoss42xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 4.2.x standalone local configuration.
JBoss42xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss4xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JBoss 4.x and onwards containers.
JBoss4xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 4.x series container implementation.
JBoss4xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 4.x.
JBoss4xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the JMX console to deploy to JBoss.
JBoss4xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a JBoss remote container.
JBoss4xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of JBoss's runtime configuration.
JBoss51x6xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the Profile Service to deploy to JBoss.
JBoss51xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 5.1.x series container implementation.
JBoss51xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 5.x.
JBoss51xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 5.1.x standalone local configuration.
JBoss5x6xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JBoss 5.x and 6.x containers.
JBoss5x6xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a JBoss remote container.
JBoss5x6xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of JBoss 5.x and 6.x's runtime configuration.
JBoss5xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss5xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss5xInstalledLocalContainer |
The JBoss 5.x container implementation must implement this interface which provides JBoss 5.x
specifics elements.
JBoss5xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 5.x series container implementation.
JBoss5xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 5.x.
JBoss5xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the Profile Service to deploy to JBoss.
JBoss5xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 5.x standalone local configuration.
JBoss5xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss61xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 6.1.x series container implementation.
JBoss61xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 6.1.x.
JBoss6xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss6xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss6xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 6.x series container implementation.
JBoss6xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 6.x.
JBoss6xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 6.x standalone local configuration.
JBoss6xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss71xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.1.x existing local configuration.
JBoss71xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss71xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 7.1.x series container implementation.
JBoss71xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 7.1.x.
JBoss71xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.1.x standalone local configuration.
JBoss71xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss72xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JBoss 7.2.x container.
JBoss72xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.2.x existing local configuration.
JBoss72xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss72xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 7.2.x (EAP 6.1.x) series container implementation.
JBoss72xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 7.2.x (EAP 6.1.x).
JBoss72xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.2.x (EAP 6.1.x) standalone local configuration.
JBoss72xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss73xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 7.3.x (EAP 6.2.x) series container implementation.
JBoss73xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 7.3.x (EAP 6.2.x).
JBoss73xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.3.x (EAP 6.2.x) standalone local configuration.
JBoss74xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 7.4.x (EAP 6.3.x) series container implementation.
JBoss74xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 7.4.x (EAP 6.3.x).
JBoss75xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 7.5.x (EAP 6.4.x) series container implementation.
JBoss75xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 7.5.x (EAP 6.4.x).
JBoss75xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.5.x (EAP 6.4.x) standalone local configuration.
JBoss75xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss7xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JBoss 7.x container.
JBoss7xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JBoss7xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBoss7xInstalledLocalContainer |
JBoss 7.x series container implementation.
JBoss7xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the JBoss deployments directory.
JBoss7xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of JBoss 7.x.
JBoss7xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the Model Controller Client to deploy to JBoss.
JBoss7xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a JBoss remote container.
JBoss7xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of JBoss's runtime configuration.
JBoss7xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JBoss 7.x standalone local configuration.
JBoss7xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JBossDeployer |
JBoss deployer implementation.
JBossFactoryRegistry |
Registers JBoss support into default factories.
JBossInstalledLocalContainer |
All JBoss container implementation must implement this interface which provides method to find
out the location of configuration files located in the JBoss installation source tree.
JBossInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the JBoss deploy directory.
JBossPropertySet |
JBoss-specific properties.
JBossWAR |
Extension that supports custom JBoss descriptor files such as the jboss-web.xml one.
JBossWarArchive |
Class that encapsulates access to a WAR.
JBossWebXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a web deployment descriptor jboss-web.xml to
provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
JBossWebXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading JBoss web context descriptor.
JBossWebXmlTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a JBoss web deployment descriptor as a typesafe
JBossWebXmlType |
JBossXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a jboss ejb deployment descriptor jboss.xml
to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
JBossXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading JBoss ejb jar deployment descriptor.
JBossXmlTag |
Defines the JBoss XML tags.
JBossXmlType |
JdkHttpURLConnection |
Perform a HTTP GET to a URL.
JdkUtils |
Set of common JDK utility methods.
Jetty10xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 10.x instance running embedded.
Jetty10xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for an embedded Jetty 10.x instance.
Jetty10xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 10.x
Jetty10xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Jetty10xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 10.x servlet container.
Jetty10xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
Jetty10xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jetty10xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Jetty11xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 11.x instance running embedded.
Jetty11xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for an embedded Jetty 11.x instance.
Jetty11xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 11.x
Jetty11xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 11.x servlet container.
Jetty11xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
Jetty11xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jetty12xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 12.x
Jetty12xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Jetty12xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 12.x servlet container.
Jetty12xInstalledLocalDeployer |
A deployer for webapps that deploys to a Jetty 12.x installed instance.
Jetty12xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jetty12xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Jetty5xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 5.x instance running embedded.
Jetty5xEmbeddedLocalDeployer |
Deploys webapps to a Jetty 5.x instance running embedded.
Jetty5xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for a Jetty 5.x running embedded.
Jetty5xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Configuration capability for a Jetty 5.x Embedded container.
Jetty6xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 6.x instance running embedded.
Jetty6xEmbeddedLocalDeployer |
A deployer for webapps that deploys to a Jetty 6.x instance running embedded.
Jetty6xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for an embedded Jetty 6.x instance.
Jetty6xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Configuration capability for a Jetty 6.x Embedded container.
Jetty6xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 6.x
Jetty6xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 6.x servlet container.
Jetty6xInstalledLocalDeployer |
A deployer for webapps that deploys to a Jetty 6.x installed instance.
Jetty6xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
Jetty6xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jetty7x8x9x10x11xEmbeddedLocalDeployer |
A deployer for webapps that deploys to a Jetty 7.x onwards instance running embedded.
Jetty7x8x9xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Jetty7x8xInstalledLocalDeployer |
A deployer for webapps that deploys to a Jetty 7.x or 8.x installed instance.
Jetty7xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 7.x instance running embedded.
Jetty7xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for an embedded Jetty 7.x instance.
Jetty7xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 7.x
Jetty7xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 7.x servlet container.
Jetty7xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
Jetty7xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jetty8xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 8.x instance running embedded.
Jetty8xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for an embedded Jetty 8.x instance.
Jetty8xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 8.x
Jetty8xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 8.x servlet container.
Jetty8xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
Jetty8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jetty9x10x11xInstalledLocalDeployer |
A deployer for webapps that deploys to a Jetty 9.x, 10.x and 11.x installed instance.
Jetty9xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
A Jetty 9.x instance running embedded.
Jetty9xEmbeddedStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
A mostly canned configuration for an embedded Jetty 9.x instance.
Jetty9xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Configuration for existing local Jetty 9.x
Jetty9xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Jetty 9.x servlet container.
Jetty9xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Jetty.
Jetty9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JettyDirectoryPackager |
Packager for a Jetty distribution.
JettyExecutorThread |
Executor that executes by introspection a Jetty Server object.
JettyExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JettyFactoryRegistry |
Registers Jetty support into default factories.
JettyPropertySet |
Gathers all Jetty properties.
JettyRemoteDeployer |
A remote deployer for the Jetty container.
NOTE: undeploy DELETES the webapp from the Jetty webapp directory.
Will not undeploy files from anywhere other than the servers webapp directory
Cannot be used to undeploy webapps that were deployed using a xml context file in
Should not be used with multiple webapps sharing a common war
JettyRuntimeConfiguration |
JettyRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
JettyStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JettyUtils |
A utility class to assist the Jetty containers.
JmsConnectionFactoryScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS connection factory configuration script command.
JmsConnectionFactoryScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS connection factory configuration script command.
JmsModuleScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS module configuration script command.
JmsQueueScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS queue configuration script command.
JmsQueueScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS queue configuration script command.
JmsQueueScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS queue configuration script command.
JmsServerScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS server configuration script command.
JmsSiBusMemberScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS SIBus configuration script command.
JmsSiBusScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS SIBus configuration script command.
JmsSubdeploymentScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS subdeployment configuration script command.
JmsTopicScriptCommand |
Implementation of JMS topic configuration script command.
JndiLink |
Wrapper Class representing a resin-web.xml JNDI link.
Jo1xInstalledLocalContainer |
Jo1xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to the jo!
Jo1xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jo1xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of Jo's standalone local configuration.
JoFactoryRegistry |
Registers Jo!
Jonas4xAdmin |
JOnAS 4X admin command line utils interface.
Jonas4xAdminImpl |
JOnAS 4X admin command line utils class.
Jonas4xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JOnAS 4.x container.
Jonas4xContainerMonitor |
JOnAS 4.x monitor checking if JOnAS server reaches a given state.
Jonas4xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Jonas4xInstalledLocalContainer |
Support for the JOnAS JEE container.
Jonas4xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WAR, EAR, EJB and RAR to JOnAS.
Jonas4xJsr160RemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses JMX Remoting (JSR 160) to deploy to JOnAS.
Jonas4xMEJBRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses Managment EJB (MEJB) to deploy to JOnAS.
Jonas4xRemoteContainer |
JOnAS remote container.
Jonas4xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a JOnAS remote container.
Jonas4xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Jonas4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Jonas5xContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the JOnAS 5.x container.
Jonas5xContainerMonitor |
JOnAS 5.x monitor checking if JOnAS server reaches a given state.
Jonas5xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Jonas5xInstalledLocalContainer |
Support for the JOnAS JEE container.
Jonas5xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WAR, EAR, EJB, RAR, File and Bundle to JOnAS.
Jonas5xJsr160RemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses JMX Remoting (JSR 160) to deploy to JOnAS.
Jonas5xMEJBRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses Managment EJB (MEJB) to deploy to JOnAS.
Jonas5xRemoteContainer |
JOnAS remote container.
Jonas5xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a JOnAS remote container.
Jonas5xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Jonas5xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JonasExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of the JOnAS existing local configuration.
JonasFactoryRegistry |
Registers JOnAS support into default factories.
JonasPropertySet |
JOnAS specific properties.
JonasStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of the JOnAS standalone local configuration.
JRun4xConfigurationBuilder |
Contains the xml elements used to build a normal or XA compliant DataSource for JRun.
JRun4xExistingLocalConfiguration |
JRun4xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
JRun4xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Adobe JRun4.x servlet container.
JRun4xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to the JRun servers/server_name directory.
JRun4xPropertySet |
Gathers all JRun properties.
JRun4xReplacements |
JRun4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
JRun4xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
JRunFactoryRegistry |
Registers JRun support into default factories.
JSR160MBeanServerConnectionFactory |
JMX remoting (JSR 160) implementation to get a remote MBeanServerConnection.
JSR88PropertySet |
Defines all general container properties valid for JSR88-compliant containers.
JtaScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting server JTA properties configuration script command.
JvmArguments |
Used for parsing and retrieving JVM arguments.
JvmLauncher |
A JVM launcher is responsible to fork a JVM.
JvmLauncherException |
Exception thrown to signal a failure to launch a JVM.
JvmLauncherFactory |
A factory to create JVM launchers.
JvmLauncherRequest |
A request to construct a JVM launcher.
JythonUtils |
Set of common utility methods for Jython scripts.
LibertyFactoryRegistry |
Registers WebSphere Liberty support
LibertyInstall |
This class encapsulate information about a WebSphere Liberty install
LibertyInstalledLocalContainer |
This starts a WebSphere Liberty server
LibertyInstalledLocalDeployer |
Deploys the application to the WebSphere Liberty server.
LibertyStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
This class configures the WebSphere Liberty install to run cargo.
LibertyStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebSphere Liberty's standalone local configuration.
Listener |
Context Parameter class for accessing context parameters in a web.xml file.
LocalConfiguration |
A local configuration represents a container configuration located somewhere on the local file
LocalContainer |
A local container is a container that executes on the machine where Cargo is executing.
Loggable |
All classes that want to perform logging must implement this interface.
LoggedObject |
Helper class for implementing Loggable methods.
Logger |
Simple interface for logging and tracing.
LoggingLevel |
LoggingScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting logging configuration script command.
LoggingScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting logging configuration script command.
LoggingScriptCommand |
Implementation of logging configuration script command.
LogLevel |
Definition of logging levels for Cargo's logs.
MailScriptCommand |
Implementation of Mail configuration script command.
MailSessionScriptCommand |
Implementation of datasource configuration script command.
Main |
Selfcontained main bootstrap class to launch the
webcontainer tjws and run the daemon web application.
ManagementUrlWildFlyMonitor |
WildFly monitor checking if management URL is available.
MavenLogger |
Logger that sends messages to the Maven 3 logging subsystem.
MBeanServerConnectionFactory |
Factory to create a remote JMX MBean server connection.
MEJBMBeanServerConnectionFactory |
Server connection factory based on the MEJB API.
MEJBMBeanServerConnectionFactory.MEJBProxy |
MEJB proxy.
MergedWarArchive |
Subclass representing the merged WAR file.
MergeException |
Class for various exceptions happening within merges.
MergeProcessor |
Interface implemented by merger classes.
MergeProcessorFactory |
Factory for creating merge processors.
MergeStrategy |
MergeWarFileDetails |
Class to store the war file that is required for saving, together with any options such as lib
files for filtering.
MergeWebXml |
Merge processor designed for web.xml files.
MergeXslt |
Merge processor that uses XSLT
MimeMapping |
MiscConfigurationScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting miscellaneous configuration configuration script command.
MissingXmlElementAppender |
This class detects missing nodes of a DOM document based on an XPath expression and
appends the missing branch.
MultipartFormContentType |
Represents the content type for a multipart form.
MultipartFormWriter |
Represents a form writer capable of sending files and form data as multipart chunks.
NamespaceContextImpl |
Context map for XPath.
NodeMergeStrategy |
A merging strategy that can be used to combine two XML documents together.
NullConfigurationCapability |
NullLogger |
Null implementation which does nothing with log messages.
Oc4j10xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Existing local configuration for the OC4J 10.x application server.
Oc4j10xInstalledLocalContainer |
Installed local container for the OC4J 10.x application server.
Oc4j9xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the OC4J 9.x application server.
Oc4j9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Oc4j9x standalone configuration implementation.
Oc4jExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Oc4jPropertySet |
Gathers all OC4J properties.
OrionConfigurationBuilder |
Contains the xml elements used to build a normal or XA compliant DataSource for Orion.
OrionEjbJarXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a oracle ejb deployment descriptor
orion-ejb-jar.xml to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
OrionEjbJarXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading Oracle ejb jar deployment descriptor.
OrionEjbJarXmlType |
EJB JAR XML file for Orion.
OrionFactoryRegistry |
Registers Orion support into default factories.
OrionStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
OrionWebXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a oracle web deployment descriptor
orion-web.xml to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
OrionWebXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading Oracle web deployment descriptor.
OrionWebXmlType |
PackageMojo |
Package a container distribution, a Configuration and deployed deployables.
Packager |
Gathers an installed container distribution and a local configuration in a single location.
Packager |
Holds configuration data for the <packager> tag used to configure the plugin
in the pom.xml file.
PackagerFactory |
Create a Packager instance for a given container.
PackagerType |
PasswordValidatorScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting of password validator.
PasswordWithHash |
Password holder, with support for hashing.
PayaraContainerCapability |
Payara container capability.
PayaraExistingLocalConfiguration |
Payara existing local configuration.
PayaraExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Payara existing local configuration capability.
PayaraFactoryRegistry |
Registers Payara support into default factories.
PayaraInstalledLocalContainer |
Payara installed local container.
PayaraInstalledLocalDeployer |
Payara installed local deployer, which uses the GlassFish asadmin to deploy and undeploy
PayaraRemoteContainer |
Payara remote container.
PayaraRemoteDeployer |
Payara remote deployer, which uses the JSR-88 to deploy and undeploy applications.
PayaraRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a Payara remote container.
PayaraRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
PayaraStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Payara standalone local configuration.
PayaraStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Payara standalone local configuration capability.
Person |
Simple class which holds a person's details.
PingTestServlet |
Ping test servlet.
PingUtils |
Utilities to ping URLs.
ProcessExecutor |
Execute shell command as process.
Property |
Represent a container property.
PropertySet |
Ant element used to tell the Cargo task to load a properties file containing system properties.
PropertyTable |
Properties container.
PropertyUtils |
A class to convert properties to strings and back.
Proxy |
Nested Ant element to specify proxy properties.
Proxy |
Holds configuration data for the <proxy> tag used to configure the plugin in
the pom.xml file.
Wraps a RAR file that will be deployed in the container.
ReadDomainOfflineScriptCommand |
Implementation of read domain offline configuration script command.
ReadDomainOnlineScriptCommand |
Implementation of read domain online configuration script command.
RegistrationKey |
A key used to register Cargo object implementation classes (configurations, deployables,
deployers, etc) against containers.
RemoteContainer |
A remote container is a container that is already installed and started (locally or on a remote
RemotePropertySet |
Gathers all general container properties valid for all types of remote containers.
Resin31xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Caucho Resin 3.1.x servlet container.
Resin31xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Resin3xConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure a normal or XA compliant DataSource for Resin 3.x.
Resin3xExistingLocalConfiguration |
Resin3xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Resin3xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Caucho Resin 3.x servlet container.
Resin3xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Resin3xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Resin4xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Caucho Resin 4.x servlet container.
Resin4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
ResinException |
We need a ResinException class as the rest of Codehaus Cargo is built with a newer Java version
than Resin, and the ResinRun class requires Java 6.
ResinFactoryRegistry |
Registers Resin support into default factories.
ResinInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to the Resin webapps directory.
ResinPropertySet |
Resin-specific properties.
ResinRun |
Starts/stop Resin by setting up a listener socket.
ResinWebXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a web deployment descriptor resin-web.xml to
provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
ResinWebXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading Resin web deployment descriptor.
ResinWebXmlMerger |
Class to manage the merging of two resin web descriptors.
ResinWebXmlTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a Resin context web deployment descriptor as a typesafe
ResinWebXmlType |
Resource |
Represents a resource, such as a datasource.
Resource |
Holds configuration data for the <resource> tag used to configure the plugin
in the pom.xml file.
ResourceConverter |
A Resource is a representation of an object bound to JNDI.
ResourcePropertySet |
Gathers all resource properties valid for all types of containers.
ResourceRef |
Wrapper class representing a resin-web resource-ref entry.
ResourceSupport |
ResourceUtils |
Utility class that provides a couple of methods for extracting files stored as resource in a JAR.
RoleElement |
Holds configuration data for the <role> tag used to configure the ANT plugin
RunBatchScriptCommand |
Implementation of run batch configuration script command.
RunnableContainer |
All methods that a container that can be started/stopped must implement.
RuntimeConfiguration |
A runtime configuration represents a configuration for a container that is already started.
Sample |
Test EJB to verify Cargo can deploy EJB JAR to containers which supports it.
SampleBean |
Test EJB to verify Cargo can deploy EJB JAR to containers which supports it.
SampleHome |
Test EJB to verify Cargo can deploy EJB JAR to containers which supports it.
Wraps a SAR file that will be deployed in the container.
SaveSyncScriptCommand |
Implementation of saving wsadminlib configuration script command.
ScriptCommand |
General interface for configuration script commands.
ScriptingCapableContainer |
Represents container capable of executing configuration scripts.
SecurityConstraint |
ServerConfigUtils |
A utility class holding useful methods for writing WebSphere Liberty server config files.
Servlet |
ServletContainerCapability |
Capability for Servlet containers.
ServletMapping |
ServletPropertySet |
Gathers all properties related to Servlet/JSP containers.
Session |
Class representing a session ejb definition in an ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
SetGlobalSecurityPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting global security property configuration script command.
SetJvmPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting JVM property configuration script command.
SetSessionManagementPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting session management property configuration script command.
SetSystemPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting system property configuration script command.
ShutdownDomainScriptCommand |
Implementation of shutdown domain configuration script command.
ShutdownServerScriptCommand |
Implementation of shutdown server configuration script command.
SimpleClass |
Simple class which holds a String message.
SimpleContainerIdentity |
Represents a container identified only by its id.
SimpleHttpFileServer |
Implementation of a Web server that serves one file.
SimpleLogger |
Simple implementation which sends log messages to the console (stdout).
SpawnedContainer |
All methods that a container that is spawned must implement.
SslScriptCommand |
Implementation of setting server SSL properties configuration script command.
StandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Using a standalone configuration allows Cargo to create a valid configuration for your container
in the directory of your choice.
StartDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of deployable starting configuration script command.
StartEmbedServerScriptCommand |
Implementation of start embed server configuration script command.
StartRequest |
Start request for a container.
StartsWithContainerValidator |
Validate that a container id starts with a specific value.
State |
Represent the container states (started, starting, stopped, etc).
StopDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of deployable stopping configuration script command.
SupportsPropertyValidator |
Validator, that check if the container supports a given property.
SystemProperty |
Wrapper Class representing a resin-web.xml system property.
SystemPropertyScriptCommand |
Implementation of system property configuration script command.
TestBundle |
Sample test OSGi bundle.
TestServlet |
Testing servlet.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that security parameters are correctly set.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that extra / shared classpath is present.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that jdbc datasource is deployed.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that resource JMS queue is deployed.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that resource Mail Session is deployed.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that the system properties are put in place correctly.
TestServlet |
Sample test Servlet used to verify that parameters passed in Tomcat's context.xml
file are correctly passed to Tomcat when the WAR module is deployed.
Tomcat10x11xConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure DataSource for Tomcat 10.x onwards.
Tomcat10x11xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Tomcat10xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 10.x container.
Tomcat10xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 10.x servlet container.
Tomcat10xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat10xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 10.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat10xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat10xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Tomcat11xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 11.x container.
Tomcat11xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 11.x servlet container.
Tomcat11xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat11xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 11.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat11xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat11xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Tomcat4x5x6xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of Tomcat's runtime configuration (versions 4.x to 6.x).
Tomcat4xConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure a DataSource for Tomcat4x.
Tomcat4xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 4.x servlet container.
Tomcat4xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat4xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 4.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat4xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
StandAloneLocalConfiguration that is appropriate for Tomcat 4.x containers.
Tomcat4xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Tomcat5x6x7xConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure DataSource for Tomcat 5.x, 6x and 7.x.
Tomcat5xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 5.x container.
Tomcat5xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 5.x servlet container.
Tomcat5xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat5xRemoteDeployer |
The Tomcat 5.x onwards manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat5xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat5xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
StandAloneLocalConfiguration that is appropriate for Tomcat 5.x containers.
Tomcat5xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Tomcat6xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 6.x container.
Tomcat6xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 6.x servlet container.
Tomcat6xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat6xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 6.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat6xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat6xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Tomcat6xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Tomcat7x8x9x10x11xRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of Tomcat's runtime configuration (versions 7.x onwards).
Tomcat7xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 7.x container.
Tomcat7xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 7.x servlet container.
Tomcat7xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat7xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 7.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat7xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat7xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Tomcat7xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Tomcat8x9xConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure DataSource for Tomcat 8.x and 9.x.
Tomcat8x9xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Tomcat8xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 8.x container.
Tomcat8xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 8.x servlet container.
Tomcat8xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat8xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 8.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat8xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Tomcat9xEmbeddedLocalContainer |
Embedded Tomcat 9.x container.
Tomcat9xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache Tomcat 9.x servlet container.
Tomcat9xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache Tomcat.
Tomcat9xRemoteDeployer |
A special Tomcat 9.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomcat9xRuntimeConfiguration |
Tomcat9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
TomcatContextXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a web deployment descriptor
META-INF/context.xml to provide convenience methods for easy access and
TomcatContextXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading Tomcat web deployment descriptor.
TomcatContextXmlTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a Tomcat context web deployment descriptor as a typesafe
TomcatContextXmlType |
TomcatCopyingInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to the Tomcat webapps directory.
TomcatDeployableStatus |
Status of a Deployable deployed in Tomcat.
TomcatDirectoryPackager |
Package a Tomcat distribution.
TomcatEmbedded |
Wrapper classes around Tomcat embedded API to hide reflection.
TomcatEmbeddedLocalDeployer |
TomcatExistingLocalConfiguration |
TomcatExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
TomcatFactoryRegistry |
Registers Tomcat support into default factories.
TomcatManager |
A Tomcat manager webapp invocation wrapper.
TomcatManager4x5x6xInstalledLocalDeployer |
A Tomcat manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a local container.
TomcatManager7x8x9x10xInstalledLocalDeployer |
A Tomcat manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a local Tomcat 7.x to 10.x containers.
TomcatManagerException |
Indicates an error received from Tomcat manager.
TomcatPropertySet |
Gathers all Tomcat properties.
TomcatUtils |
Utility methods for Tomcat.
TomcatWAR |
Extension that supports custom Tomcat context.xml files located in the
META-INF/ directory of your WAR.
TomcatWarArchive |
Class that encapsulates access to a WAR.
Tomee10xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache TomEE 10.x servlet container.
Tomee10xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache TomEE 10.x.
Tomee10xRemoteDeployer |
A special TomEE 10.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomee10xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when deploying to TomEE 10.x remotely.
Tomee10xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Standalone local configuration for TomEE 10.x.
Tomee1xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache TomEE 1.x servlet container.
Tomee1xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache TomEE 1.x.
Tomee1xRemoteDeployer |
A special TomEE 1.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomee1xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when deploying to TomEE 1.x remotely.
Tomee1xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Standalone local configuration for TomEE 1.x.
Tomee1xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of TomEE 1.x's standalone local configurations.
Tomee7x8xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of TomEE 7.x and 8.x's standalone local configurations.
Tomee7xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache TomEE 7.x servlet container.
Tomee7xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache TomEE 7.x.
Tomee7xRemoteDeployer |
A special TomEE 7.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomee7xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when deploying to TomEE 7.x remotely.
Tomee7xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Standalone local configuration for TomEE 7.x.
Tomee8xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache TomEE 8.x servlet container.
Tomee8xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache TomEE 8.x.
Tomee8xRemoteDeployer |
A special TomEE 8.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomee8xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when deploying to TomEE 8.x remotely.
Tomee8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Standalone local configuration for TomEE 8.x.
Tomee9x10xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of TomEE 9.x and 10.x's standalone local configurations.
Tomee9xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Apache TomEE 9.x servlet container.
Tomee9xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of Apache TomEE 9.x.
Tomee9xRemoteDeployer |
A special TomEE 9.x manager-based deployer to perform deployment to a remote container.
Tomee9xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when deploying to TomEE 9.x remotely.
Tomee9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
Standalone local configuration for TomEE 9.x.
TomeeContainerCapability |
TomEE container capability.
TomeeCopyingInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys EARs, EJBs and WARs to the TomEE directories.
TomeeExistingLocalConfiguration |
TomeeFactoryRegistry |
Registers Tomee support into default factories.
TomeePropertySet |
Gathers all TomEE properties.
TransactionSupport |
Represents the transactional support of a resource, such as a XA_TRANSACTION .
Uberjar |
Cargo uberjar's main class.
UberWarMojo |
Builds an uber war.
UndeployDeployableOnlineScriptCommand |
Implementation of undeploy deployable online configuration script command.
UndeployDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of undeploy deployable configuration script command.
UndeployDeployableScriptCommand |
Implementation of undeploying deployable configuration script command.
UpdateDomainOfflineScriptCommand |
Implementation of update domain offline configuration script command.
UpdateDomainOnlineScriptCommand |
Implementation of update domain online configuration script command.
URLDeployableMonitor |
Monitor that verifies if a Deployable is deployed
by pinging a URL provided by the user.
UrlEncodedFormContentType |
Represents the content type for an url encoded form.
UrlEncodedFormWriter |
Represents a form writer that allows writing form fields that are URL encoded.
UrlPathDeployableMonitor |
Monitor that verifies if a Deployable is deployed
by pinging a URL constructed from URL path (provided by the user) and other parameters
provided by container configuration.
User |
Represent an authenticating user for the Servlet container.
User |
Holds configuration data for the <user> tag used to configure the plugin
in the pom.xml file.
UserAccountsConfigurator |
User accounts configurator.
UserAccountsYamlConfigurator |
User accounts configurator writing configuration to yaml.
UserElement |
Holds configuration data for the <user> tag used to configure the ANT plugin
UsernamePasswordCallbackHandler |
Handler that responds to username and password requests.
Validator |
Validate that a container.
VendorDescriptor |
Base interface for vendor specific descriptors.
VendorEjbDescriptor |
Base interface for vendor specific EJB descriptors.
VendorWebAppDescriptor |
Common interface for vendor specific deployment descriptors.
Wraps a WAR file that will be deployed in the container.
WarArchive |
Encapsulates access to a WAR.
WarArchiveIo |
Utility IO class for constructing War Archives.
WarArchiveMerger |
Class for merging two War Archives into each other.
WebLogic103xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 10.3.x application server.
WebLogic103xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 10.3.x application server.
WebLogic103xRuntimeConfiguration |
WebLogic103xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic10xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 10.x application server.
WebLogic10xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic121xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic121xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 12.1.3 application server.
WebLogic121xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 12.1.3 application server.
WebLogic121xRuntimeConfiguration |
WebLogic121xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic122xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic122xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Oracle WebLogic 12.2 application server.
WebLogic122xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 12.2.x application server.
WebLogic122xRuntimeConfiguration |
WebLogic122xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic12xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 12.x application server.
WebLogic12xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic14xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic14xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Oracle WebLogic 14 application server.
WebLogic14xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 14.x application server.
WebLogic14xRuntimeConfiguration |
WebLogic14xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic14xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebLogic 14.x.
WebLogic8xConfigurationBuilder |
Contains the xml elements used to build a normal or XA compliant DataSource for WebLogic.
WebLogic8xConfigXmlInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that manages deployment configuration by manipulating the WebLogic config.xml
WebLogic8xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic 8.x existing configuration implementation.
WebLogic8xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 8.x application server.
WebLogic8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic8xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
WebLogic8xSwitchableLocalDeployer |
Changes config.xml if the server is down.
WebLogic9x10x103x12xConfigurationBuilder |
Constructs xml elements needed to configure a normal or XA compliant DataSource for WebLogic
WebLogic9x10x103x12xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
WebLogic9x10x12x14xConfigXmlInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that manages deployment configuration by manipulating the WebLogic config.xml
WebLogic9x10x12x14xCopyingInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to the WebLogic auto-deploy directory.
WebLogic9x10x12x14xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebLogic existing configuration implementation for WebLogic 9.x, 10.x, 10.3.x and 12.x style
WebLogic9xInstalledLocalContainer |
Special container support for the Bea WebLogic 9.x application server.
WebLogic9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebLogicConfiguration |
All WebLogic configuration implementations must implement this interface which provides method to
find out the location of key directories needed to operate WebLogic.
WebLogicConfigurationEntryType |
Represents the type of a resource specific to WebLogic, such as a javax.jms.Server .
WeblogicEjbJarXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a weblogic ejb deployment descriptor
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml to provide convenience methods for easy access and
WeblogicEjbJarXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading WebLogic ejb jar deployment descriptor.
WeblogicEjbJarXmlTag |
Represents the various tags in a weblogic ejb jar deployment descriptor.
WeblogicEjbJarXmlType |
WebLogicExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
WebLogicFactoryRegistry |
Registers WebLogic support into default factories.
WebLogicLocalContainer |
All WebLogic configuration implementations must implement this interface which provides method to
find out the location of key directories needed to operate WebLogic.
WebLogicLocalScriptingContainer |
All WebLogic local containers allowing to execute scripts should implement this interface which
provides methods to access WebLogic methods and execute scripts.
WebLogicPropertySet |
Gathers all WebLogic properties.
WebLogicRemoteScriptingContainer |
All WebLogic remote containers allowing to execute scripts should implement this interface which
provides methods to access WebLogic methods and execute scripts.
WebLogicResourceComparator |
Comparator evaluating resources according to order which they should be created in.
WebLogicResourceRules |
Rule class defining rules which need to be applied for WebLogic resources.
WebLogicWlstConfiguration |
All WebLogic WLST configuration implementations must implement this interface which provides
method to retrieve configuration factory for WLST script.
WebLogicWlstConfigurationFactory |
WLST configuration factory returning specific configuration scripts.
WebLogicWlstExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebLogic existing configuration based on WSLT files.
WebLogicWlstOfflineInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that manages deployment configuration calling WLST offline script.
WebLogicWlstRemoteDeployer |
Static deployer that manages deployment configuration calling WLST online script.
WebLogicWlstRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebLogic remote configuration via WLST.
WebLogicWlstStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebLogic configured via WSLT.
WeblogicXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a weblogic web deployment descriptor
weblogic.xml to provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
WeblogicXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading WebLogic web deployment descriptor.
WeblogicXmlTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a web deployment descriptor as a typesafe enumeration.
WeblogicXmlType |
WebSphere85xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebSphere85xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebSphere 8.5.x existing local configuration.
WebSphere85xInstalledLocalContainer |
WebSphere 8.5.x container implementation.
WebSphere85xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to WebSphere 8.5.x.
WebSphere85xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebSphere85xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebSphere 8.5.x standalone local configuration.
WebSphere9xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WebSphere9xExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebSphere 9.x existing local configuration.
WebSphere9xInstalledLocalContainer |
WebSphere 9.x container implementation.
WebSphere9xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs to WebSphere 9.x.
WebSphere9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WebSphere9xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WebSphere 9.x standalone local configuration.
WebSphereConfiguration |
All WebSphere configuration implementations must implement this interface which provides method
to retrieve jython script factory.
WebSphereConfigurationEntryType |
Represents the type of a resource specific to WebSphere, such as a javax.jms.SIBus .
WebSphereExistingConfigurationSetting |
WebSphereFactoryRegistry |
Registers WebSphere support into default factories.
WebSphereJythonConfigurationFactory |
WebSphere configuration factory returning specific jython configuration scripts.
WebSpherePropertySet |
Gathers all WebSphere properties.
WebSphereResourceComparator |
Comparator evaluating resources according to order which they should be created in.
WebSphereResourceRules |
Rule class defining rules which need to be applied for WebSphere resources.
WebXml |
Encapsulates the DOM representation of a web deployment descriptor web.xml to
provide convenience methods for easy access and manipulation.
WebXml22Type |
Web 2.2 Descriptor.
WebXml23Type |
Web 2.3 Descriptor.
WebXml24Type |
Web 2.4 Descriptor.
WebXml25Type |
Web 2.5 Descriptor.
WebXml30Type |
Web 3.0 Descriptor.
WebXmlElement |
WebXmlIo |
Provides convenience methods for reading and writing web deployment descriptors.
WebXmlMerger |
Helper class that can merge two web deployment descriptors.
WebXmlTag |
Represents the various top-level tags in a web deployment descriptor as a typesafe enumeration.
WebXmlType |
A document type for web.xml web deployment descriptors.
WebXmlTypeAwareParser |
SAX Handler for working out what the type of a web descriptor is.
WebXmlUtils |
WebXmlVersion |
Enumerated type that represents the version of the web deployment descriptor.
WildFly10xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly10xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 10.x series container implementation.
WildFly10xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly10xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 10.x.
WildFly10xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 10.x.
WildFly10xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 10.x remote container.
WildFly10xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 10.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly11xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly11xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 11.x series container implementation.
WildFly11xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly11xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 11.x.
WildFly11xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 11.x.
WildFly11xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 11.x remote container.
WildFly11xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 11.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly12xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly12xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 12.x series container implementation.
WildFly12xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly12xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 12.x.
WildFly12xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 12.x.
WildFly12xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 12.x remote container.
WildFly12xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 12.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly13xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly13xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 13.x series container implementation.
WildFly13xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly13xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 13.x.
WildFly13xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 13.x.
WildFly13xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 13.x remote container.
WildFly13xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 13.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly14xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly14xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 14.x series container implementation.
WildFly14xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly14xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 14.x.
WildFly14xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 14.x.
WildFly14xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 14.x remote container.
WildFly14xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 14.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly15xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly15xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 15.x series container implementation.
WildFly15xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly15xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 15.x.
WildFly15xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 15.x.
WildFly15xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 15.x remote container.
WildFly15xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 15.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly16xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly16xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 16.x series container implementation.
WildFly16xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly16xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 16.x.
WildFly16xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 16.x.
WildFly16xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 16.x remote container.
WildFly16xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 16.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly17xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly17xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 17.x series container implementation.
WildFly17xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly17xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 17.x.
WildFly17xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 17.x.
WildFly17xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 17.x remote container.
WildFly17xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 17.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly18xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly18xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 18.x series container implementation.
WildFly18xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly18xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 18.x.
WildFly18xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 18.x.
WildFly18xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 18.x remote container.
WildFly18xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 18.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly19xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly19xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 19.x series container implementation.
WildFly19xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly19xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 19.x.
WildFly19xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 19.x.
WildFly19xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 19.x remote container.
WildFly19xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 19.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly20xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly20xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 20.x series container implementation.
WildFly20xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly20xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 20.x.
WildFly20xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 20.x.
WildFly20xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 20.x remote container.
WildFly20xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 20.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly21xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly21xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 21.x series container implementation.
WildFly21xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly21xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 21.x.
WildFly21xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 21.x.
WildFly21xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 21.x remote container.
WildFly21xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 21.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly22xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly22xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 22.x series container implementation.
WildFly22xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly22xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 22.x.
WildFly22xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 22.x.
WildFly22xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 22.x remote container.
WildFly22xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 22.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly23xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly23xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 23.x series container implementation.
WildFly23xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly23xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 23.x.
WildFly23xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 23.x.
WildFly23xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 23.x remote container.
WildFly23xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 23.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly24xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly24xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 24.x series container implementation.
WildFly24xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly24xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 24.x.
WildFly24xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 24.x.
WildFly24xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 24.x remote container.
WildFly24xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 24.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly25xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly25xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 25.x series container implementation.
WildFly25xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly25xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 25.x.
WildFly25xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 25.x.
WildFly25xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 25.x remote container.
WildFly25xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 25.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly26xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly26xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 26.x series container implementation.
WildFly26xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly26xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 26.x.
WildFly26xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 26.x.
WildFly26xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 26.x remote container.
WildFly26xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 26.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly27xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly27xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 27.x series container implementation.
WildFly27xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly27xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 27.x.
WildFly27xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 27.x.
WildFly27xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 27.x remote container.
WildFly27xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 27.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly28xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly28xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 28.x series container implementation.
WildFly28xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly28xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 28.x.
WildFly28xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 28.x.
WildFly28xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 28.x remote container.
WildFly28xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 28.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly29xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly29xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 29.x series container implementation.
WildFly29xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly29xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 29.x.
WildFly29xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 29.x.
WildFly29xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 29.x remote container.
WildFly29xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 29.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly30xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly30xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 30.x series container implementation.
WildFly30xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly30xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 30.x.
WildFly30xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 30.x.
WildFly30xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 30.x remote container.
WildFly30xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 30.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly31xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly31xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 31.x series container implementation.
WildFly31xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly31xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 31.x.
WildFly31xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 31.x.
WildFly31xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 31.x remote container.
WildFly31xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 31.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly32xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly32xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 32.x series container implementation.
WildFly32xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly32xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 32.x.
WildFly32xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 32.x.
WildFly32xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 32.x remote container.
WildFly32xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 32.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly33xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly33xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 33.x series container implementation.
WildFly33xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly33xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 33.x.
WildFly33xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 33.x.
WildFly33xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 33.x remote container.
WildFly33xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 33.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly34xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly34xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 34.x series container implementation.
WildFly34xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly34xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 34.x.
WildFly34xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 34.x.
WildFly34xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 34.x remote container.
WildFly34xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 34.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly35xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly35xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 35.x series container implementation.
WildFly35xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly35xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 35.x.
WildFly35xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 35.x.
WildFly35xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 35.x remote container.
WildFly35xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 35.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly8xCliConfigurationFactory |
WildFly8x CLI configuration factory returning specific configuration scripts.
WildFly8xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly8xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 8.x series container implementation.
WildFly8xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly8xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 8.x.
WildFly8xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 8.x.
WildFly8xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 8.x remote container.
WildFly8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 8.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly8xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
WildFly9xCliConfigurationFactory |
WildFly9x CLI configuration factory returning specific configuration scripts.
WildFly9xExistingLocalConfiguration |
WildFly9xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly 9.x series container implementation.
WildFly9xInstalledLocalDeployer |
Static deployer that deploys WARs and EARs to the WildFly deployments directory.
WildFly9xRemoteContainer |
Special container support for wrapping a running instance of WildFly 9.x.
WildFly9xRemoteDeployer |
Remote deployer that uses the remote API to deploy to WildFly 9.x.
WildFly9xRuntimeConfiguration |
Configuration to use when using a WildFly 9.x remote container.
WildFly9xStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly 9.x standalone local configuration.
WildFly9xStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
WildFlyCliConfigurationFactory |
CLI configuration factory returning base shared configuration scripts.
WildFlyConfiguration |
All WildFly configuration implementations must implement this interface.
WildFlyContainerCapability |
Capabilities of the WildFly container.
WildFlyExistingLocalConfigurationCapability |
WildFlyFactoryRegistry |
Registers JBoss and WildFly support into default factories.
WildFlyLogUtils |
Utility class providing informations about logging.
WildFlyModuleUtils |
Utility class providing informations about modules.
WildFlyPropertySet |
Gathers all WildFly properties.
WildFlyRemoteDeploymentJsonMarshaller |
JSON marshaller for WildFly remote deployer.
WildFlyRuntimeConfigurationCapability |
Capabilities of WildFly's runtime configuration.
WildFlySwarm2017xInstalledLocalContainer |
WildFly Swarm 2017.x series container implementation.
WildFlySwarmConfiguratorFactory |
Configurator factory interface.
WildFlySwarmContainerCapability |
WildFly Swarm container capability.
WildFlySwarmFactoryRegistry |
Factory registry for WildFly Swarm containers.
WildFlySwarmPropertySet |
WildFly Swarm property set.
WildFlySwarmStandaloneLocalConfiguration |
WildFly Swarm standalone container configuration.
WildFlySwarmStandaloneLocalConfigurationCapability |
WildFly Swarm standalone local configuration capability.
WildFlySwarmStartupMonitor |
Monitors URL that is provided as a mandatory configuration property.
WildFlySwarmUserUtils |
Utility class providing informations about users.
WildFlySwarmYamlConfiguratorFactory |
WildFly Swarm yaml configuration factory.
WildFlyUserUtils |
Utility class providing informations about users.
WriteDomainScriptCommand |
Implementation of write domain configuration script command.
XaDataSourceScriptCommand |
Implementation of XA datasource configuration script command.
XaDriverScriptCommand |
Implementation of XA DataSource driver configuration script command.
XmlEntityResolver |
Implementation of the SAX EntityResolver interface that looks up the web-app DTDs from the JAR.
XmlFileBuilder |
This interface intends to remove hard-bindings to a specific xml api.
Implementations of this interface will: 1. optionally load a file 2. insert some elements into
the current document 3. write the file to disk
XmlMerger |
Class for merging XML FIles.
XmlReplacement |
XmlReplacement.ReplacementBehavior |
Define how the XmlReplacement behaves XPath expression doesn't match anything.
XmlUtils |
This class offers utility methods for handling XML files.
Xsd |
Contains methods for getting information from a XSD.
ZipCompressor |
Utility for compressing ZIP files.
ZipUrlInstaller |
Holds configuration data for the <zipUrlInstaller> tag used to configure the
plugin in the pom.xml file.
ZipURLInstaller |
Installs a compressed container file from a URL to a location on your local disk.
Though the name of this class is ZipURLInstaller , all formats supported by
commons-compress are supported.
ZipURLInstallerElement |