Class JBoss3x4xStandaloneLocalConfiguration

    • Field Detail

      • log4jFileName

        protected String log4jFileName
        Name of the JBoss log4j configuration file.
    • Method Detail

      • deployDatasources

        protected void deployDatasources​(String deployDir)
                                  throws IOException
        Deploys the JBoss datasources.
        deployDir - The JBoss deploy directory.
        IOException - If copying the datasource XMLs fail.
      • verify

        public void verify()
        Verify that the configuration is valid. The checks to be performed may vay whether this is standalone or existing configuration. This method should also be used to verify that the configuration properties specified by the user are valid and that the required ones are set.
        Specified by:
        verify in interface ContainerConfiguration
        verify in class AbstractStandaloneLocalConfiguration
      • copyExternalResources

        protected void copyExternalResources​(File sourceDir,
                                             File destDir)
                                      throws IOException
        Copy external resources to cargo configuration directory. This method will copy entire resources in the sourceDir (recursive), if it's a directory.
        sourceDir - resource file / directory to be copied
        destDir - cargo configuration directory
        IOException - If an error occurs during the copy.
      • copyExternalResources

        protected void copyExternalResources​(File sourceDir,
                                             File destDir,
                                             String[] cargoFiles)
                                      throws IOException
        Copy external resources to cargo configuration directory. This method will copy entire resources in the sourceDir (recursive), if it's a directory.
        sourceDir - resource file / directory to be copied
        destDir - cargo configuration directory
        cargoFiles - list of cargo resources file that will excluded
        IOException - If an error occurs during the copy.
      • createJBossReplacements

        protected Map<String,​String> createJBossReplacements​(JBossInstalledLocalContainer container)
                                                            throws MalformedURLException
        Create token replacement in configuration file with user defined token.
        container - the JBoss container instance from which we'll find the JBoss installed files to reference
        token with all the user-defined token value
        MalformedURLException - If an URL is malformed.
      • getSharedClasspathXml

        protected String getSharedClasspathXml​(JBossInstalledLocalContainer container)
                                        throws MalformedURLException
        Construct the shared classpath XML based on the container.
        container - the JBoss container instance from which we'll find the JBoss installed files to reference
        Shared classpath XML based on the container.
        MalformedURLException - If URL building fails.