Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts

We are happy to announce Codehaus Cargo 1.9.7, which includes the below two bug fixes and one improvement:

  • Containers - Tomcat

  • Containers - WildFly

    • [CARGO-1569] - The WildFly Remote Deployer doesn't handle the Digest authentication properly

  • Various containers and Cargo Daemon:

    • [CARGO-1570] - Use HttpRequest, HttpFileRequest and HttpFormRequest instead of individual HttpURLConnection instantiations

That last item in the list has been triggered by the issue observed with the WildFly Remote Deployer, and now (almost) all Codehaus Cargo components which connect to HTTP(S) resources (be it the Jetty Remote Deployer, the various clients for Cargo Daemon, etc.) use these common classes. That means they all de facto also support Digest authentication and other features.

To upgrade to this latest version:


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