Cargo's directory organization can be daunting for a newcomer. So here's some information on how the project is organized.


  • directory/ : represents a directory
  • directory/ : represents a directory containing a Maven project
  • cargo/: Cargo is a thin wrapper that allows you to manipulate various type of application containers (J2EE, Java EE, Jakarta EE and others) in a standard way.
    • resources/: Cargo Shared Resources (License files, Checkstyle configuration files, etc)
      • build-tools/: Cargo Build Tools
      • cargo-ping-component/: Cargo Ping Component
      • jetty-6-deployer/: Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications on a Jetty 6.x server
      • jetty-7-to-jetty-9-deployer/: Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications on Jetty servers version 7.x to 9.x
      • jetty-10-deployer/: Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications on a Jetty 10.x server
      • jetty-11-deployer/: Webapp used by Cargo to remotely deploy applications on a Jetty 11.x server
      • licensed-dtds/: DTDs that are used by some Cargo components which have licenses incompatible with the rest of Cargo
      • testdata/: Test data for the Sample applications
        • authentication-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Authenticated WAR
        • classpath-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Classpath WAR
        • datasource-cmt-local-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Local Transaction DataSource WAR
        • datasource-war/: Cargo test data for samples - DataSource WAR
        • empty-ear/: Cargo test data for samples - Empty EAR
        • empty-jar/: Cargo test data for samples - Empty JAR.
          We need this empty jar because an EAR's application.xml requires at least one <module> element so we've chosen to define an empty jar.
        • expanded-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Expanded WAR
        • jms-queue-war/: Cargo test data for samples - JMS Queue WAR
        • jms-topic-war/: Cargo test data for samples - JMS Topic WAR
        • mailsession-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Mail Session WAR
        • simple-aop/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple AOP
        • simple-bundle/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple OSGi bundle
        • simple-ear/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple EAR
        • simple-ejb/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple EJB
        • simple-har/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple HAR
        • simple-jar/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple JAR.
          Used in tests to determine that specific classes are added to the classpath.
        • simple-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Simple WAR
        • systemproperty-war/: Cargo test data for samples - System Property test WAR data for samples
        • tomcat-context/: Cargo test data for samples - Tomcat context WAR
        • tomcat-context-link-simple-jar/: Cargo test data for samples - Tomcat context WAR with link to simple jar
        • two-datasources-war/: Cargo test data for samples - Multiple DataSource WAR
        • xadatasource-war/: Cargo test data for samples - XADataSource WAR
    • core/: Cargo Core
      • api/: The Cargo Core API
        • util/: Core Utility API (logging, File utils, etc)
        • module/: Core API to parse/create J2EE Modules
        • container/: API to start/stop/configure containers
        • generic/: Core API to generically access the typed container API
      • tools/: Tools for the Core API
        • jboss-deployer-api/: JBoss remote deployer API
        • jboss-deployer-5/: Remote deployer for JBoss 5.0.x
        • jboss-deployer-5.1-and-6/: Remote deployer for JBoss 5.1.x and 6.x
        • jboss-deployer-7/: Remote deployer for JBoss 7.x
      • containers/: Core API Container Implementations
        • geronimo/: Core API implementation for Geronimo containers
        • glassfish/: Core API implementation for GlassFish containers
        • jboss/: Core API implementation for JBoss containers
        • jetty/: Core API implementation for Jetty containers
        • jo/: Core API implementation for jo! containers
        • jonas/: Core API implementation for JOnAS containers
        • jrun/: Core API implementation for JRun containers
        • liberty/: Core API implementation for WebSphere Liberty containers
        • orion/: Core API implementation for Orion containers
        • payara/: Core API implementation for Payara containers
        • resin/: Core API implementation for Resin containers
        • tomcat/: Core API implementation for Tomcat containers
        • tomee/: Core API implementation for TomEE containers
        • weblogic/: Core API implementation for WebLogic containers
        • websphere/: Core API implementation for WebSphere containers
        • wildfly/: Core API implementation for WildFly containers
        • wildfly-swarm/: Core API implementation for WildFly Swarm containers
      • uberjar/: The Cargo Core Uberjar
      • samples/: Samples that exercises the Cargo Java APIs
        • java/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Java API
      • documentation/: Cargo Website Resources
    • extensions/: Cargo Extensions
      • ant/: Cargo Extensions for Ant
        • tasks/: Ant tasks for Cargo
        • samples/: Cargo Samples for Ant
          • ant1.10-test/: Sample application that tests the the Cargo Ant tasks with Ant 1.10.x
          • configurationFiles-xmlReplacements-test/: Sample application that tests the configuration files and XML replacement options
          • daemon-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Ant tasks with the daemon
          • datasource-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Ant tasks with a container and a datasource
          • remote-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Ant tasks with a remote container
          • users-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Ant tasks with a container and users defined
      • daemon/: Cargo Extensions for Daemon
        • client/: Cargo Daemon Client
        • webapp/: Cargo Daemon Web Application
        • itests/: Cargo Daemon Integration Tests
          • browser/: Cargo Daemon Client - Browser
          • client/: Cargo Daemon Client - Java client
          • client-with-authentication/: Cargo Daemon client with authentication - Java client
          • deployable-on-jetty/: Cargo Daemon Client - Deployable on Jetty
          • deployable-on-tomcat/: Cargo Daemon Client - Deployable on Tomcat
      • maven3/: Cargo Extensions for Maven 3
        • plugin/: Cargo Maven 3 Plugin
        • archetypes/: Sample Maven archetypes for using Cargo
          • daemon/: Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to generate a webapp and remotely start and stop a container with the application deployed on it.
          • multiple-containers/: Sample Maven archetype showing how to start / stop multiple containers.
          • remote-deployment/: Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to generate a webapp and deploy it to a remote container.
          • webapp-functional-tests-module/: Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to run functional tests for a webapp by creating a separate functional-tests module.
          • webapp-single-module/: Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to run functional tests directly from a single webapp module.
          • webapp-with-datasource/: Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to run functional tests directly from a webapp with datasource. Cargo will be used to configure the datasource on the container.
        • samples/: Cargo Samples for Maven 3
          • artifactInstaller-test/: Sample application that tests the artifact installer
          • autoDeployable-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin's AutoDeployable capabilities
          • configurationFiles-xmlReplacements-test/: Sample application that tests the configuration files and XML replacement options
          • glassfish6x-remoteDeploy-test/: Sample application that tries remote deployment on a GlassFish 6.x container
          • implementationClasses-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with personalized implementation classes
          • inPlaceDevelopment-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin's in-place development capabilities. Note that this sample currently works only for Jetty and Tomcat as it requires that container implementations support deploying an expanded WAR from a directory without copying it to the container deploy directory.
          • jetty5x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 5.x container
          • jetty6x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 6.x container
          • jetty7x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 7.x container
          • jetty7x-root-context-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Jetty 7.x container and the root context
          • jetty8x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 8.x container
          • jetty9x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 9.x container
          • jetty10x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 10.x container
          • jetty11x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 11.x container
          • license-test/: Sample application that exercises checks the Uberjar with regards to its license needs (CARGO-1489 and CARGO-1494)
          • multi-datasource-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 6.x container and multiple datasources
          • ping-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin's deployable pinging capabilities
          • remoteDeploy-test/: Sample application that tries remote deployment
          • runMojo-test/: Sample application that tries the cargo:run MOJO
          • tomcat6x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 6.x container
          • tomcat7x-context-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 7.x container and a user-defined context
          • tomcat7x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 7.x container
          • tomcat7x-systemProperty-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 7.x container and user-defined system properties
          • tomcat8x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 8.x container
          • tomcat9x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 9.x container
          • tomcat10x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 10.x container
          • tomcat10x-legacyWar-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with a Tomcat 10.x container and a legacy WAR
          • tomcat11x-embedded-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Tomcat 11.x container
          • uberwar-test/: Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin's uberwar feature
          • users-test/: Sample application that will be used to test configuration of users and roles.
          • weblogic-test/: Sample application that will be used to test the WebLogic container
          • websphere-test/: Sample application that will be used to test the WebSphere container
          • wildfly-swarm-test/: Sample application that will be used to test the WildFly Swarm container
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