This document explains how to configure Cargo remote deployment support on a Jetty container.
By default, Jetty does not come with possibilities for remote deployment. In order to add such a support to Jetty, Cargo uses a "Jetty remote deployer" Web application.
This application is a simple servlet-based application which exposes methods such as deploy or undeploy on standard HTTP POST URLs. When thse HTTP methods are called, the servlet implementing these methods connects to the Jetty Server implementation and does deployment related actions on the server; this Web application can therefore be seen as a kind of remote administration proxy.
Being a standard Web application, the Cargo Jetty remote deployer application can be secured using Jetty users and roles.
Downloading the remote deployer
Two versions of the Jetty remote deployer WAR are available on the Cargo downloads page (scroll down to the Tools section):
cargo-jetty-11-onwards-deployer : The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the CARGO remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 11.x onwards (Jetty from, implementing Jakarta EE)
cargo-jetty-10-deployer : The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the CARGO remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 10.x (Jetty from
cargo-jetty-7-to-jetty-9-deployer : The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the CARGO remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 7.x to Jetty 9.x (Jetty from
cargo-jetty-6-and-earlier-deployer : The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the CARGO remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 6.x and earlier (Jetty from
Please make sure to download and install the correct flavour for your Jetty version.
By default, the Cargo Jetty remote deployer comes with no security.
In order to activate security, follow these steps:
- Open the
WEB-INF/web.xml file of the Cargo Jetty remote deployer WAR
- Uncomment the part that says
Uncomment in order to activate security . By default, that configuration is as follows:
- Authentication is done using standard HTTP headers:
login-config set to BASIC .
- Authorization is done using Jetty role:
security-constraint has a auth-constraint with role-name .
- Create a user with the Jetty role
manager :
- Open the Jetty file
Add, for example, the following definition
someusername: somepassword,manager
Define a security realm, which can be per-webapp (i.e., by adding a jetty-web.xml file to the WAR) or global (i.e., for all applications deployed on that Jetty server). You can learn more about both methods on the Jetty documentation:
To try the security settings, you can try to visit the /cargo-jetty-deployer context on your server, for example http://production27:8080/cargo-jetty-deployer, using any Web browser. If security is configured well, it should:
- Ask for a login and password
- Ask again if the login is not valid
- If the login is valid, show a page saying:
Command / is unknown
Here is an example Maven 3 plugin configuration that:
- Deploys on a remote Jetty 6.x server
- The server is on
production17 , port 8080
- The Jetty remote deployer WAR is secured using the Jetty role
- A user called
someusername with password somepassword is defined as manager
To run the given Maven 3 plugin configuration on a simple Maven 3 WAR project, simply execute:
mvn war:war
mvn cargo:deploy
Known issues