The following persons deserve credit for Cargo.
- Vincent Massol: Cargo creator
- Matt Wringe: Cargo Lead Developer and Manager
- S. Ali Tokmen: Cargo Lead Developer and Manager
- Adrian Cole: WebLogic 9.x and 10.x support
- Anders Hammar: Improvements to Maven build and Maven 2 Plugin
- Archimedes Trajano: Glassfish container contributions
- Arnaud Heritier: Implementation of the Maven 1.x plugin
- Benjamin Bentmann: Java container abstraction, various improvements and cleanup on containers (Jetty, Tomcat, Geronimo, ...)
- datanga datanga: Initial implementation of Tomcat and WebLogic support
- David J.M. Karlsen: Various patches, Maven 2 build
- Domien Nowicki (J4S): Implementation of the Daemon extension
- grimsell grimsell: Lots of improvements to the Deployment API
- hendriks hendriks: Implementation of jo! support and creation of the IDEA IntelliJ plugin
- Jan Bartel: Added support for Jetty 5.x and 6.x
- Kohsuke Kawaguchi: Various patches to improve Cargo's API and implementation of the Embedded Tomcat container + Glassfish support
- mark mark: Tomcat Hot deployment implementation + implementation of the Maven 2.x plugin
- Milos Kleint: Netbeans extensions
- Nigel Magnay: Several improvements to the Modules API and implementation of several container-specific merger classes
- Nyoman Ribeka: JBoss 3.x and 4.x support
- oleo: JSR-88 support and remote containers support
- Ryan Connolly: JRun 4.x support
- sfarquhar: JNDI datasource configuration, Generic test runner extension and many more
- Vincent Siveton: Lots of various patches on the Maven2 plugin
- Aaron Digulla: Several patches for Tomcat and Maven2 support
- Ate Douma: Several patches for Tomcat
- Bill Dudney: Implementation of the Tomcat Existing Local Configuration + beta tester of the m2 plugin
- Cédric Vidal: Added support for choosing a JBoss server configuration for standalone configurations
- Eoghan McIlwaine: Cargo logo and banner, as well as a larger, vertical version of the Cargo logo
- Jan Zuchhold: Improvements to the Maven plugin (passing system properties)
- Jeff Genender: For his JBoss Maven2 plugin code which has been partially copied over and used as an inspiration for the Cargo JBoss 4.x remote deployer
- Jerome Lacoste: General ideas and discussions about Cargo
- Juri Artamonov: Added support for starting/stopping/redeploying deployables in the Maven2 plugin + lots of other things
- Lester Ecarma: Participation in the implementation of Geronimo 1.x
- Matt Raible: Asked for improvements to the Tomcat support so that Cargo can support nicely AppFuse and provided patches to improve Tomcat support
- Rahul Thakur: Added a
cargo:configure mojo to the Maven2 plugin to generate container configuration
- Tim Shadel: Implementation of OC4J support
- Wendy Smoak: HTTPS support for Tomcat and various improvements
Special thanks
- Apache and The Jakarta cactus project: Cargo started as a refactoring of the Cactus Ant integration subproject
- Christopher Lenz: Has developed most of the Cactus Ant integration code that spawned the Cargo project
If we have forgotten anyone, please accept our apologies and feel free to edit the page yourself to correct it (you can use the mailing lists to get the associated rights).
- Eoghan's vertical logo for Cargo:
