The downloads you need to pick depends on how you plan to use Cargo:

  • If you want to integrate Cargo in your Java code, you'll need to add the following jars to your classpath:
    • the cargo-core-api-* jars and the container implementations you wish to use (cargo-core-container-* jars)
      or the cargo-core-uberjar jar which aggregates all the required jars.
    • the extra JARs required by Cargo, as listed in the installation page.
  • If you want to use Cargo from Ant, you'll need to pick the same jars as above in addition to the cargo-ant jar.
  • If you want to use Cargo from Maven 3, you don't need to install anything at all as Maven will automatically download the required jars when you first use the plugin.
  • If you want to use the Cargo Daemon, you'll need to download the Web application (WAR file, which you can either deploy as a Web application or use as a Java executable), and, if you wish to use it from your Java code, the client.

Latest stable release: version 1.10.14

Category Version Artifacts Source Description Release notes
Core Uberjar 1.10.14 cargo-core-uberjar Source JAR Convenience jar containing all the Core API and Core Containers jars Notes
Extensions 1.10.14 cargo-ant Source JAR Ant tasks for Cargo Notes

1.10.14 cargo-maven3-plugin Source JAR Maven 3 plugin for Cargo Notes




Source JAR (webapp)

Source JAR (client)

Cargo Daemon, a Web-based application that uses the Cargo API to configure, start and stop containers on a remote machine. Notes
Tools 1.10.14 cargo-jetty-11-deployer Source JAR The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the Codehaus Cargo remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 11.x (Jetty from, implementing Jakarta EE). Notes

1.10.14 cargo-jetty-10-deployer Source JAR The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the Codehaus Cargo remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 10.x (Jetty from Notes

1.10.14 cargo-jetty-7-to-jetty-9-deployer Source JAR The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the Codehaus Cargo remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 7.x to Jetty 9.x (Jetty from Notes

1.10.14 cargo-jetty-6-deployer Source JAR The Deployer Web application for the Jetty remote containers, which must have been deployed to Jetty before using the Codehaus Cargo remote deployer. Designed to work with Jetty 6.x (Jetty from, and won't work with any earlier version of Jetty. Notes
1.10.14 cargo-licensed-dtds Source JAR DTDs that are used by some Cargo components which have licenses incompatible with the rest of Cargo.You need to add this to your classpath if you wish to use the Cargo Java API or Ant tasks offline, and are getting strange error messages with XML parsers such as Notes
Core API 1.10.14 cargo-core-api-util Source JAR Utility classes used by other core API jars Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-api-module Source JAR API to parse/create J2EE Modules (WAR, EAR, etc) Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-api-container Source JAR The main Cargo Container API and all associated object Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-api-generic Source JAR Generic API wrapping the main Cargo Container API Notes
Core Containers 1.10.14 cargo-core-container-geronimo Source JAR Geronimo implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-glassfish Source JAR Glassfish implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-jboss Source JAR JBoss implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-jetty Source JAR Jetty implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-jo Source JAR jo! implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-jonas Source JAR JOnAS implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-jrun Source JAR JRun implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-liberty Source JAR WebSphere Liberty implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-orion Source JAR Orion implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-resin Source JAR Resin implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-tomcat Source JAR Tomcat implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-tomee Source JAR TomEE implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-weblogic Source JAR WebLogic implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-websphere Source JAR WebSphere implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-wildfly Source JAR WildFly implementation of the Core Container API Notes

1.10.14 cargo-core-container-wildfly-swarm Source JAR WildFly Swarm implementation of the Core Container API Notes


Documentation for Codehaus Cargo 1.10.14 can be found here.

Version currently being developed

If you want to get access to the version currently being developed, you have two options:

Older versions

Older downloads can be found in the Archived Downloads section.

Version Status

Click in the status column to get release notes:

Version Status Comments
1.10.14 (tick)

Released on 2 July 2024

1.10.13 (tick)

Released on 27 April 2024

1.10.12 (tick)

Released on 4 February 2024

1.10.11 (tick)

Released on 28 November 2023

1.10.10 (tick)

Released on 7 October 2023

1.10.9 (tick)

Released on 7 August 2023

1.10.8 (tick)

Released on 1 July 2023

1.10.7 (tick)

Released on 19 May 2023

1.10.6 (tick)

Released on 12 March 2023

1.10.5 (tick)

Released on 8 February 2023

1.10.4 (tick) Released on 26 November 2022
1.10.3 (tick) Released on 23 October 2022
1.10.2 (tick) Released on 17 September 2022
1.10.1 (tick) Released on 17 August 2022
1.10.0 (tick) Released on 16 August 2022
1.9.13 (tick) Released on 30 June 2022
1.9.12 (tick) Released on 9 June 2022
1.9.11 (tick) Released on 23 April 2022
1.9.10 (tick) Released on 27 February 2022
1.9.9 (tick) Released on 24 December 2021
1.9.8 (tick) Released on 18 October 2021
1.9.7 (tick) Released on 23 August 2021
1.9.6 (tick) Released on 6 August 2021
1.9.5 (tick) Released on 29 June 2021
1.9.4 (tick) Released on 13 May 2021
1.9.3 (tick) Released on 22 March 2021
1.9.2 (tick) Released on 27 February 2021
1.9.1 (tick) Released on 2 February 2021
1.9.0 (tick) Released on 29 January 2021
1.8.5 (tick) Released on 27 January 2021
1.8.4 (tick) Released on 2 January 2021
1.8.3 (tick) Released on 15 December 2020
1.8.2 (tick) Released on 27 September 2020
1.8.1 (tick) Released on 17 September 2020
1.8.0 (tick) Released on 14 August 2020
1.7.16 (tick) Released on 8 August 2020
1.7.15 (tick) Released on 10 July 2020
1.7.14 (tick) Released on 9 July 2020
1.7.13 (tick) Released on 2 June 2020
1.7.12 (tick) Released on 30 April 2020
1.7.11 (tick) Released on 13 March 2020
1.7.10 (tick) Released on 30 January 2020
1.7.9 (tick) Released on 11 December 2019
1.7.8 (tick) Released on 1 December 2019
1.7.7 (tick) Released on 17 August 2019
1.7.6 (tick) Released on 16 July 2019
1.7.5 (tick) Released on 21 June 2019
1.7.4 (tick) Released on 13 May 2019
1.7.3 (tick) Released on 9 March 2019
1.7.2 (tick) Released on 26 January 2019
1.7.1 (tick) Released on 9 December 2018
1.7.0 (tick) Released on 1 November 2018
1.6.11 (tick) Released on 16 October 2018
1.6.10 (tick) Released on 8 September 2018
1.6.9 (tick) Released on 1 August 2018
1.6.8 (tick) Released on 1 June 2018
1.6.7 (tick) Released on 3 March 2018
1.6.6 (tick) Released on 24 December 2017
1.6.5 (tick) Released on 17 October 2017
1.6.4 (tick) Released on 2 Jule 2017
1.6.3 (tick) Released on 20 April 2017
1.6.2 (tick) Released on 6 January 2017
1.6.1 (tick) Released on 8 November 2016
1.6.0 (tick) Released on 12 September 2016
1.5.1 (tick) Released on 8 September 2016
1.5.0 (tick) Released on 1 June 2016
1.4.19 (tick) Released on 20 March 2016
1.4.18 (tick) Released on 17 January 2016
1.4.17 (tick) Released on 13 December 2015
1.4.16 (tick) Released on 10 September 2015
1.4.15 (tick) Released on 14 July 2015
1.4.14 (tick) Released on 25 April 2015
1.4.13 (tick) Released on 07 March 2015
1.4.12 (tick) Released on 22 January 2015
1.4.11 (tick) Released on 21 November 2014
1.4.10 (tick) Released on 21 September 2014
1.4.9 (tick) Released on 29 August 2014
1.4.8 (tick) Released on 01 April 2014
1.4.7 (tick) Released on 08 February 2014
1.4.6 (tick) Released on 20 December 2013
1.4.5 (tick) Released on 18 October 2013
1.4.4 (tick) Released on 29 August 2013
1.4.3 (tick) Released on 21 Jule 2013
1.4.2 (tick) Released on 29 May 2013
1.4.0 (tick) Released on 16 April 2013
1.3.3 (tick) Released on 14 February 2013
1.3.2 (tick) Released on 12 January 2013
1.3.1 (tick) Released on 11 November 2012
1.3.0 (tick) Released on 19 October 2012
1.2.4 (tick) Released on 24 August 2012
1.2.3 (tick) Released on 20 Jule 2012
1.2.2 (tick) Released on 21 May 2012
1.2.1 (tick) Released on 01 April 2012
1.2.0 (tick) Released on 24 January 2012
1.1.4 (tick) Released on 03 December 2011
1.1.3 (tick) Released on 05 October 2011
1.1.2 (tick) Released on 06 August 2011
1.1.1 (tick) Released on 14 June 2011
1.1.0 (tick) Released on 05 May 2011
1.0.6 (tick) Released on 20 January 2011
1.0.5 (tick) Released on 20 November 2010
1.0.4 (tick) Released on 03 November 2010
1.0.3 (tick) Released on 25 August 2010
1.0.2 (tick) Released on 08 July 2010
1.0.1 (tick) Released on 02 June 2010
1.0 (tick) Released on 26 March 2009
0.9 (tick) Released on 10 March 2007
0.8 (tick) Released on 22 March 2006
0.7 (tick) Released on 30 December 2005
0.6 (tick) Released on 21 July 2005
0.5 (tick) Released on 30 April 2005
0.4 (tick) Released on 26 November 2004
0.3 (tick) Released on 30 October 2004
0.2 (tick) Released on 03 October 2004


Released on 11 September 2004
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