Title |
Author |
Publisher |
Published |
Containers with HTTPS support |
Codehaus Cargo team |
Codehaus Cargo Web site |
2024-05-11 |
Deploying Jakarta EE 9 applications to Glassfish v6 using Cargo maven plugin |
Hantsy Bai |
Jakarta EE 9 Starter Boilerplate |
2020-11-14 |
Deploying to Payara Server Using the Maven Cargo Plugin |
Jonathan Coustick |
Payara Blog |
2018-05-31 |
Cargo Tracker - Applied domain-driven design footprints for Java EE |
Reza Rahman |
java.net |
2014-07-31 |
How to start two Tomcat instances using the Maven2/Maven3 Cargo plugin |
Tomek Kaczanowski |
Self |
2013-01-29 |
How to set up Integration Testing with the Maven Cargo plugin |
Eugen Paraschiv |
Self |
2011-10-16 |
How to deploy to integration server and run smoke test with Maven and CARGO |
khmarbaise |
stackoverflow.com |
2011-08-03 |
Adding files to your container configuration: the CARGO ConfigFiles option |
CARGO team |
CARGO Web Site |
2010-06-12 |
Adding a JMS resource to Resin3x |
David Durham |
CARGO Web Site |
2010-06-10 |
Adding TLD support to the Jetty container |
CARGO team |
CARGO Web Site |
2010-05-13 |
Automated Deployment With Cargo and Maven - a Short Primer |
John Ferguson Smart |
DZone |
2009-12-29 |
Cargo adds support for multiple data sources |
Wendy Smoak |
Blog |
2009-02-28 |
Functional testing with Maven, Cargo and Selenium |
Carlos Sanchez |
Blog |
2008-07-25 |
Automated Smoke Tests With Selenium, Cargo, TestNG and Maven |
Binil Thomas |
Self |
2006-12-08 |
Wendy's Cargo page |
Wendy Smoak |
Self |
2006-09-27 |
Maven, Cargo, Struts 2 and working outside |
Matt Raible |
Self |
2006-09-27 |
In pursuit of code quality: Repeatable system tests |
Andrew Glover |
DeveloperWorks |
2006-09-26 |
Interview on Maven, Cargo and Offshore |
Vincent Massol |
JavaPolis |
2006-04-21 |
Cargo v0.7 and Maven2 plugin v0.1 |
Vincent Massol |
Blog |
2006-01-10 |
[Maven] Using the Cargo plugin for testing |
Vincent Massol |
Self |
2005-05-01 |
Cargo 0.5 released |
Vincent Massol |
Self |
2005-05-01 |
Running Cargo from Maven |
Matt Raible |
Self |
2005-01-15 |
Using Cargo 0.4 for functional testing |
Vincent Massol |
Self |
2004-11-17 |
[ANN] Cargo 0.2 Released |
Matt Raible |
Self |
2004-10-03 |
Cargo Announced: Open source Java API to work with containers |
TheServerSide |
TheServerSide |
2004-09-13 |
[ANN] Cargo 0.1 Released |
Matt Raible |
Self |
2004-09-11 |
Container Client Interface |
Vincent Massol |
TheServerSide |
2004-07-29 |
CCI: Container Client Interface |
Vincent Massol |
Self |
2004-07-24 |