The way the container classpath is managed in all JBoss containers version 7 and onwards as well as all WildFly containers is slightly different from most others.
How the container classpath is added to the JBoss / WildFly container
In order to add the container classpath to the JBoss / WildFly container, Codehaus Cargo takes the below steps:
- The JAR files which are in the container classpath are copied in the
modules/org/codehaus/cargo/classpath subdirectory of the container home Attention: The JAR files are copied in the container home, and not into the configuration home. Hence, the JBoss / WildFly container's binaries are actually modified ad vidam eternam (until you manually clean it up).
- For each JAR file, a
module.xml file is created with the below rule for dependencies:
- The first JAR file has dependencies
javax.api and javax.transaction.api
- The second JAR has dependencies
javax.api , javax.transaction.api and the first JAR
... and so on
Modification in the applications
During deployment, Codehaus Cargo will edit your deployables' META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in order to add the property Dependencies with all the JARs in the container classpath.
As per the logic followed to add these into the JBoss / WildFly container's classpath, these dependencies all start with the prefix org.codehaus.cargo.classpath. |