Jetty 12.x onwards support various versions of Jakarta EE, by adapting the JettyPropertySet.MODULES and JettyPropertySet.DEPLOYER_EE_VERSION configuration properties accordingly.

Users of the Jakarta EE 9 and above versions should be aware that, as a result of the move from Java EE to Jakarta EE as part of the transfer of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation, the primary package for all implemented APIs has changed from javax.* to jakarta.*. This will almost certainly require code changes to enable applications to migrate to EE 9 and later.

Container Features

Feature name

Java API

Ant tasks

Maven 3 plugin


Container Instantiation

(tick) ContainerFactory.createContainer("jetty12x"...)

(tick) <cargo containerId="jetty12x".../>

(tick) <containerId>jetty12x</containerId>


Local Container





Container Classpath





Container Start





Container Stop





Container Timeout





Embedded Container





Installed Container

(tick) o.c.c.c.jetty.Jetty12xInstalledLocalContainer




   Passing system properties










Remote Container





Configuration Features

Deployer Features

Feature name

Java API

Ant tasks

Maven 3 plugin


Installed Deployer

(tick) o.c.c.c.jetty.Jetty12xInstalledLocalDeployer




Embedded Deployer





Remote Deployer





Other Features

Feature name

Java API

Ant tasks

Maven 3 plugin







Supported Configuration properties

The tables below list both the general configuration properties as well as the container-specific ones.

Standalone Local Configuration Properties

For installed container o.c.c.c.jetty.Jetty12xInstalledLocalContainer

Datasource and Resource configuration

In addition to the forementioned properties, this container configuration can also set up datasources and/or resources.

For more details, please read: DataSource and Resource Support.

Since the Jetty 12.x jetty-plus modules are specific to EE versions, datasources and resources are deployed using each application's context.xml file, matching the EE version.

The below are hence pre-requisites to using datasources or resources in Jetty 12.x:

How to run Jetty under a Java Security Manager

Jetty 9.x and above can be configured to run under a Java Security Manager.

For further information on how to achieve this, please refer to the associated tip in the Maven 3 Plugin Tips page.

Existing Local Configuration Properties

For installed container o.c.c.c.jetty.Jetty12xInstalledLocalContainer

Tested On

This container is automatically tested by the Continous Integration system every time there is a code change.
The server used for tests is downloaded from:

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