AbstractCargoMojo |
Common code used by Cargo MOJOs requiring <container> and
<configuration> elements and supporting the notion of
AbstractCommonMojo |
Common MOJO providing an accessor to the Maven Project object (this is the object containing all
information contained in the POM on which the MOJO is called).
AbstractDaemonMojo |
Common mojo for all daemon actions (start deployable, stop deployable).
AbstractDeployerMojo |
Common mojo for all deployer actions (start deployable, stop deployable, deploy deployable,
undeploy deployable, etc).
AbstractUberWarMojo |
Common mojo for Uberjar.
AliasedDeployerDeployMojo |
Class used uniquely to provide a goal alias for deployer-deploy .
AliasedDeployerRedeployMojo |
Class used uniquely to provide a goal alias for
deployer-redeploy .
AliasedDeployerUndeployMojo |
Class used uniquely to provide a goal alias for deployer-undeploy .
ConfigureMojo |
Mojo to create a local container standalone configuration at a specified directory.
ContainerInstallMojo |
Installs a container into a given directory.
ContainerRestartMojo |
Restart a container using Cargo.
ContainerRunMojo |
Start a container using Cargo and wait until user pressed CTRL + C to stop.
ContainerStartMojo |
Start a container using Cargo.
ContainerStopMojo |
Stop a running container using Cargo.
DaemonStartMojo |
Start a container via the daemon.
DaemonStopMojo |
Stop a container via the daemon.
DependencyCalculator |
This class is effectively an unmitigated hack.
DeployerDeployMojo |
Deploy a deployable to a container.
DeployerRedeployMojo |
Redeploy a deployable (i.e.
DeployerStartMojo |
Start a deployable which is already installed in a container.
DeployerStopMojo |
Stop a deployable which is already deployed in a container.
DeployerUndeployMojo |
Undeploy a deployable from a container.
PackageMojo |
Package a container distribution, a Configuration and deployed deployables.
UberWarMojo |
Builds an uber war.